View Full Version : Dicharge from mental health team?

23-08-06, 13:24
Hi i am new,

I have recently been discharged from the Mantal Health Team, as i could not get to my CPA meetings due to being agoraphobic? they basically said they will help again when i am able to do more get out more and try harder?

The team are my only means of support , and i feel i have just been dumped as they cant help me!! i have suffered from anxiety/panic disorder for the past coming up 9 years and have had very little help. and the Agoraphobia for about 6 years now, i have found this year that i have just got worse, im convinced its connected to going thru early menopause , i have gone from being on 2mg diazapam, and 20 mg cipramil to same dose cipramil to now 4 x 1mg lorazepam a day just to keep me calm in my own home.
i feel i have currently nowhere to turn for help and what i can do, i dont know if i should make a complained regarding my treatment from the mental health Team.. any suggestgions or any advice on anything in this openener would be very much appreciated.


23-08-06, 14:16
I dont know what to say! You cant have home visits? Im agoraphobic and have home sessions with a occupational therapist. Thats what they are there for! It seems like theyve basically said "if you cant get to the meetings, you cant have treatment!" Thats wrong! they are there to help. I would look further into this and consider complaining.
Becci x

23-08-06, 15:41

That is simply ridiculous. Aren't they supposed to be helping you with your agoraphobia in the first place??

I know of other members on nmp who have had someone from the CMHT visit their home for agoraphobia.

I would speak to your latest PALS office to complain, and here is a link to find out contact details


I recently had a problem in that I wanted further dealings with the CMHT but was turned down. I complained primarily because I was never informed of this decision due to a cock-up, but I also put pressure on them to review their decision. This has resulted in the CPN calling me for a chat, with the possibility that they may give me another assesment.

Hope you get a result and let us know how this progresses.

Take care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

polly daydream
23-08-06, 17:29
Hi claire and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


23-08-06, 19:20
Hi Claire

I know exactly how you must be feeling,the mental health team in my area did the same thing to me "well if you cant get there thats not our problem" so i asked if there was anything else they could do for me and basically its a case of NO, what really annoys me about them is they really dont consider the difficulty in having agoraphobia, its like i said to them if i could get there on my own then i wouldnt have a problem.i also dislike the way they say "when you try harder" what do they think we do, i find they tend to brush this part of mental health to one side as they know its not going to be easy to treat and it can take time, my doctor recently referred me back to the mental health team they never even contacted me to see what i would like for them to do instead they got in touch with an acupuncturist who will see me but ive got to travel for about 30 minutes to see him which i know for some-one who doesnt have agoraphobia doesnt seem that long but for me thats a hell of an anxious trip to make, so no doubt i will end up cancelling and then im back to square one with them, sorry for going on a bit but these people really peeve me off

i do hope you get some kind of help and support as i know how important it can be

Take Care

Denise :D

23-08-06, 23:54
Hi Claire

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.


24-08-06, 00:19
welcome claire............i hope you find the help you need thats not right what they did to you...i also suffer w/aagraphobia but getting better a little at a time so i know what ya going thru.best of luck getting someone out to your place...............Linda[8D]

in need of a friend
24-08-06, 14:27
same sorta thing happened to me. although I was offered things that never happened and then told they couldn't do anything else to help me.

I was offered to see someone... three times i tried to see someone only to never actually see anyone. I was also offered to join an allotment (how that was going to help I dont know), which looks like its going to have houses built on it soon anyway.

I had just split up with my partner when I was discharged as well. all my support had gone at the same time.

Granny Primark
24-08-06, 16:05
Hi claire,

Im so pleased you joined this website. I really hope you can get the help you so desperately need.
Im sure youl get loads of help, encouragement,support and advice from this website.
Hope you will come in chat someday soon too.

Take care

time out
26-08-06, 19:21
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi i am new,

I have recently been discharged from the Mantal Health Team, as i could not get to my CPA meetings due to being agoraphobic? they basically said they will help again when i am able to do more get out more and try harder?

The team are my only means of support , and i feel i have just been dumped as they cant help me!! i have suffered from anxiety/panic disorder for the past coming up 9 years and have had very little help. and the Agoraphobia for about 6 years now, i have found this year that i have just got worse, im convinced its connected to going thru early menopause , i have gone from being on 2mg diazapam, and 20 mg cipramil to same dose cipramil to now 4 x 1mg lorazepam a day just to keep me calm in my own home.
i feel i have currently nowhere to turn for help and what i can do, i dont know if i should make a complained regarding my treatment from the mental health Team.. any suggestgions or any advice on anything in this openener would be very much appreciated.


<div align="right">Originally posted by claire42 - 23 August 2006 : 13:24:56</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

stress management nurse therapist hypnotherapy councelling relaxation holistic indian head massage aromatherapy face neck shoulder massage hand made soaps

time out
26-08-06, 19:26
hi clare

all sounds doom and gloom

do not worry yourself you will find the support you need
as you are already being pro active in asking for helpmy advice to you would be not to listen to too much negative talk
continue to be active in finding the right support for you
and i know this as i have experience professionaly
that individuals like yourself experiencing this type of anxiety
overcome it!
reach for your goals

good luck

stress management nurse therapist hypnotherapy councelling relaxation holistic indian head massage aromatherapy face neck shoulder massage hand made soaps

26-08-06, 19:35
Hi Claire

I'm glad Ray mentioned PALS as that is exactly what came to my mind when I read your post. Quite frankly, I think it is utterly ridiculous to expect an agarophobic to attend sessions in a strange environment to seek help because they are unable to cope with that very thing (if that makes sense). No wonder you feel so alone.
My mum also went through an early menopause after she had a partial hysterectomy (cysts) and she been to hell and back with her emotions - depression, suicidal thoughts, awful panic attacks- so I think you may be right there. Are you on HRT? Mum had to experiment a bit but she seems to be feeling better now, using it in combination with some herbal medicines and Mirtazipine.
Keep checking back to the site, ask for help and we'll all try to give you it if we can, and hopefully it will go some way to aiding your recovery...

Take Care
Love Carlyxx

PS Maybe taking a stand for your rights to proper treatment will give you some added confidence?! x

31-08-08, 03:58
Hi Clare...

I feel angry on your behalf. Some of these so-called professionals have a very unprofessional and flippant way of dealing with those who are most in need.:mad:

I can't offer any useful advice off-hand but I do know how difficult it can be to follow a regular Care Program and how setbacks can stop us from persevering. It was courageous of you to even tackle such an approach. I know of many people who never visit my local CMHT, even though they are registered.

I've been the victim of administrative cock-ups in the past , removed from the case load of one senior OT ( my only familiar contact ) and have also experienced long delays with follow-up Psychiatrist appointment's after missing one a few months ago.

So, maybe a letter of complaint might at least help you to let out some of the frustration you must be feeling. I don't understand why you should have to feel abandoned when you are already in such a difficult and vulnerable position.

I'm considering a kick-ass letter of complaint myself because it's just not good enough! :lac:
All I need to do now is find the energy, perseverance and relatively diplomatically-correct , grammatical style so that it doesn't get 'lost' behind a filing cabinet, if I do finally write it and send it in.

Good luck:hugs:

31-08-08, 07:19
In the mental health field I should think they would understand more in regards to your situation! Getting out more to try harder? Oh I do feel your frustration...I am not familiar with your medical programmes but that does seem to be senseless. Nice to meet you, and I do hope that the forum is helpful to you.

31-08-08, 07:43
I have had this problem with my M.H.T. they told me I had to go to the appointments and that no body woul come to the house as going out was all part of 'the therapy', at the time I was completely housebound with agoraphobia and the thought of going to the appointments was overwelming, I was discharged and told I was a hopeless case as I wouldn't help myself, these people work with very emotionally vunerable people so you would think that they wouldn't use this choice of words with us but they do. I felt that they contradicted themselves, one minute you are told to take baby steps, the next they are expecting you to run a marathon! prats.

On a more positive note, the hopeless case that I was told I was has had two sons while suffering from agoraphobia, I can manage to drive again, can do my own shopping, take the kids out for days and can go away for a couple of days. I know it takes a lot of hard work and commitment and the only way to overcome this illness is by exposing yourself to the things that are making you anxious, but do it slowly, if all you can manage is to walk out the door then back in that is progress and each day go a little further, no matter how small the task is it will all help you.



31-08-08, 09:50
Hiya, welcome to NMP its lovely to have you here.

01-09-08, 01:15
Hi Lilly-Lou:)

With all you've achieved, you don't seem like a hopeless case to me.:lac:

A pox on the idiot who said that to you! Maybe a letter of complaint to your M.H.T. if you feel you could manage it. :mad:

All the best:flowers:

milly jones
01-09-08, 21:26
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: