View Full Version : Feeling panicky

11-12-12, 01:55
Hi I am new to register but have been reading forum posts for a while and find them very helpful so thank you. I've always been quite healthy but about 3 years ago I had years ago I had a seizure which could not be explained following tests. I think I had health anxiety before but since then things have been worse, the tiniest bruise or head rush and am terrified. I don't have panic attacks physically but mentally I drive myself round the bend and convince myself I have every illness under the sun. Tonight I am at home alone and had a spell of lightheadedness and general Wobbliness followed by a long time of feeling woozy.. I phoned my mum for support and halfway though speaking to her my front teeth suddenly began to hurt and a ulcer type thing appeared on my tongue - literally out of nowhere. I can't help feeling that something bad is going to happen to me and can't seem to get out of it.. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated!

11-12-12, 02:06
Anxiety can do a lot of strange things to a person physically as well as mentally what you've just said with the ulcer the front teeth and woozy lightheaded feeling just feels like you'r run down at the moment! I'm feelin exactly the same as well tonight along with feeling generally unwell like in coming down with something! And I'm working myself up stupidly! I know I'm scaring myself but its hard not too! just lay back deep long breaths with a bit of background noise and a nice hot or cold drink that u enjoy and try and get some sleep I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning! :)

11-12-12, 21:08
No words of wisdom, just welcome to the site. I wish you all the best.
