View Full Version : GAD

11-12-12, 07:28
Hi, my name is Stephanie. I have just had a completely sleepiness night, despite taking far too many zopiclone. I have not slept a wink. I am terrified of speaking to my Gp because he'll be mad about the zooid lone, and now I have stupidly gone and bought zopiclone on line. Which is surely illegal but can not face any more sleeplessness. I feel sick and just want to cry. Is there anything stronger than zopiclone I can take to make me sleep?

11-12-12, 21:03
I struggle with sleep too but knocking yourself out is really not the way to go. Dozy pills are addictive - I speak from experience. There is one anti-depressant which has sedative properties and should help you sleep - Mirtazapine, have a word with your Doc.
I wish you all the best.


11-12-12, 23:08
Agree with Baggs.

I've been taking 15mg of Mirtazapine a night for 5 years, it does the job for me, and I've been an insomniac for over 30 years.

That said, it just helps you get to sleep, makes you nicely drowsy. If you're completely anxious it won't knock you out. You need to be reasonably relaxed.

Also, I found trazodone at low doses helped too, but the effect wore off after 2 weeks. It may be good as an as and when sleep aid.

Obviously you'd need to talk to your Doctor about these options and how they would interact with anything else you're taking.

Personally I would never buy drugs on the internet, there's no guarantee that it's not mixed with something else, and you should always (IMHO) take such medications under Doctor's supervision.

Good luck.
