View Full Version : Work/Bad nights/Beta blockers

11-12-12, 09:27
I was having such a relaxing time with anxiety. But now as usual xmas in a shop brings stress with hours changing and illness and extra shifts etc
I can't sleep at night and wake up with my heart beating very fast usually after dreaming about work. I don't know what to do does anybody have any advice or tips for me?
I'm trying beta blockers but I think they make me tired during the day which I don't need, need all my energy for work

11-12-12, 20:51
I have never tried beta blockers but there are some anti-depressants which do have sedative properties - Mirtazapine is one, that will help you sleep. I am now on Duloxetine which does not have any sedative properties and do not help with sleep but it definitely helps me to relax and cope better.
I wish you all the best,

11-12-12, 23:42
Again I follow Baggs, to recommend mirtazapine. 15mg a night helps me sleep, and it tends to play nice with other drugs (in my case Pregabalin).

I was also on Trazodone for a couple of weeks, but the sedative side effect wore off, so I went back to Mirt.

Discuss with your Doc which may be suitable for you.


12-12-12, 10:06
I'm not going to my doctors anymore. They have never offered me any actual help in all the years I've had this.