View Full Version : MS panic, absolutely terrified please help

11-12-12, 10:09
Things are really bad at the moment. My legs have been weak and wobbly for about a week now and I am convinced its ms, absolutely terrified. I normally rush to the drs but this has me paralysed with fear. I have convinced myself Ihave it. I don't want to die and leave my babies with no Mum, lease help me :weep:

11-12-12, 12:19
Hello Sahara

I am so sorry, I can feel your terror through your post and I know how isolating and all encompassing it will be. I am not sure why you think this may be MS, I'm sure you have read the sticky post to see why it is so common for random symptoms to add up to MS and how unlikely it is. I was tested for it a few years ago and the first step is a basic neurological exam that your GP can perform to show whether they feel more tests are necessary. My heart always sinks when someone suggests seeing a GP, it seems so exhausting and it seems to amplify my panic but they really are the only ones who can offer you any peace of mind in a case like this.

I believe the wobbly legs you're describing may be a common anxiety symptom on their own and maybe the GP can help with that too? I wish I could help more but it may help to think of all of us who post on this forum (hundreds online at any time of the day or night) who have these very real symptoms and yet it turns out to be caused by anxiety alone.

I wish you all the best and wish I could take my own advice too.....

11-12-12, 13:03
Thank you, funnily enough I read the pos you mention just after I posted this. I didnt see it before.

I can relate to the anxiety, but I didnt feel anxious when it started so I am having a hard time believing its anxiety. I keep teling myself its probably that, but its so worrying when my legs feel like they aren't going to hold me up :(

Trouble is my lovely dr is off for a week and I can't face any other dr cos they don't reassure me like he does, sob. He knows how to handle me and not send me into a blind panic.

I will have to hold tight until he returns I fear. xx

11-12-12, 15:24
I have a great doctor (one out of a pretty duff pack to be honest), unfortunately he is popular with everyone so it is really hard to see him. Another in particular seemed to be trained to instil panic, even when I go about something I'm not worried about:)


11-12-12, 15:54
Hi Sahara.
I feel you on this one as I have been through the same fear,but have managed to come out the other side. CBT is the way foward,it helps you understand the workings of anxiety and how it effects you. It controls you and not the other way round,with CBT you take charge and things become alot eaiser to overcome. Get the book called Overcomming Health Anxiety, have a read and it will open your eyes,do some off the things it says,and notice the difference is makes,

Be strong go and see your lovely GP,tell them your fears,tell them that you need help with your anxiety,and talk to them about CBT it works. I have been in your shoes, look at some of my previous posts and you will see how we are the same,and lots of people here to.

Dont google your symptoms,see the people who know (GPs). Take heart in what they tell you,and get the help you need. I have donr CBT and its changed my life and the way I treat my Anxiety. Remember you dont have to feel anxious to have the symptoms. Your body is on overdrive at the mo, and untill you can get that under control you will keep having strange unexplained symptoms.

You are not alone we all know how you feel. You can and will beat it. PM me if I can help you or just want some info from someone who has been there and got the t-shirt but is on the otherside of it now.

Be strong

Onwards and upwards. :D

11-12-12, 16:21
yeah most of mine do that, apart from my lovely dr T, he is own to 3 days a week after xmas too, he will retire soon. I dread it!!

Now I have ins and needles in my feet - oh this is horrendous :'(

---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

thanks tobyjug, thank you, I must admist I am puzzled as I certainly didnt feel anxious when this started! Not that I noticed I was feeling quite good :( I am sure the pins andneedles are a manisfestation of my anxiety, but the weakness/jelly feeling in my legs is what is scaring me!! Silly head! I perhaps need some cbt again. I had it for my ocd and it worked quite well xx

11-12-12, 16:43
Worst thing you can do is google symptoms. Let the dr see you, he can tell you what you have got then you can google that. I suffer bad anxiety and have a lot of bad neuropathic pain including pins and needles and tingling.
My girlfriend was diagnosed with MS 6 years. Even if you did have MS it would not be the end of the world.

11-12-12, 17:44
Thanks Chris, I do try and avoid google, and I am normally very restrained :)

I have a friend with MS too, I haven't asked her anything. I don't know why I am so scared and convinced its very frustrating and I am normally quite strict with myself. Tiredness and overworked I guess :(