View Full Version : SO tired & feel like im going mad is this really all anxiety??

11-12-12, 10:54

I really need some advice please.

I have been suffering from depersonalisation/derealisation for a while, I have been telling myself to accept it which has helped a little. but lately I feel like im going to forget things, people, words etc. Its so scary and I cant get it out of my head...which I know will just make it worse.

I just feel so low and like theres no hope :( I just want to have my life back.

I have also been going to sleep late because im scared and waking up in the night a lot, when this happens I look around and don't recognise where I am which is so horrible and will then just emphasize the fear of forgetting/losing my mind. this makes me scared I have something wrong with my brain and is not just anxiety.

I cant even follow a tv programme without being confused, is this through mental and physical exhaustion and anxiety? because its really scaring me :(

thanks for reading x

11-12-12, 10:58
I could have written that post myself! It is all part of anxiety. I was on the phone to the doctors this morning to ask about a letter the doctor is writing for my work. I was getting all muddled up talking to them and couldn't remember what I had and hadn't said so was repeating myself. Luckily they are used to me by now :D

11-12-12, 11:14
ohh so its not just me. its sooo horrible :( I feel like I have a massive cloud in my head blocking everything...I feel like I need to keep reminding myself about everything things im doing, people etc incase I forget it all. think maybe I need to try and get some more sleep then!

11-12-12, 11:40
omg i no how it feels to its so scarey i feel like i am confused when doing my house work i can be on here and writing and get dizzy cus i am trying to concentrate on what i am saying and if i type wrong i go all spinny for a second i hav had this fear so long i cant even rember how long take care all xx

11-12-12, 12:09
ohh poor you. that's just how I feel its horrible. I just wrote my Christmas cards and I was confused I took it out of me completely and I wasn't sure what I was writing. its scary isn't it. its all happened so quickly as well :(