View Full Version : WORK

11-12-12, 13:19
GUYS I NEED YOUR HELP BIGTIME i have a big loan and im really in trouble as i cant make the payments back as i am on the sick , i have offered the bank £15 a month for the next 3 months and they have excepted that im suppose to be paying £320 !!!! this debt is making me suicidal i owe £14,000 in total which wasnt a problem when i had my job,
im feeling so much pressure to get back into work but my dr doesnt think im ready although another dr has said it would be a good idea, on thursday i had a phonecall from a old work pal saying he was working for a new sales company (solar power ) and was doing really well and he put my name forward , i got all excited ,
went to the hospitiol and they still dont really no whats wrong with me but said physically i could work.
the job is basicaly getting leads for the survey'ers as soon as the surveyur goes to the the house i get £50 if they buy the solar power you get a further 1 %
so yesterday i made loads of phonecalls and managed to get 4 bookings so in theory that would be a minimum of £200 before tax , insurance.
one blew out as he had an east facing roof, and im waiting to hear about the other three. once i pass the adress onto head office they will ask the potential customer a series of questions before sending a surveyor round, my friend is doing very well up in exeter last week he earnt £650 before tax but he has a car and a million houses to knock on .
you can either phone or go and knock on doors , my question is if its that easy why are more people not doing it ?? this is what my mum said to me last night .ive made 50 phonecalls this morning and got one potential booking. spoke to a guy who is working for this company and he said he is happy to pick me up and we can go and knock doors together that sounds great but dont no how long that will last as he lives 40 mins away i reckon he will soon get fed up of that.
the next problem is ive only just started to feel a bit better on the anxiety front im not sure im ready to go round cornwall with a stranger knocking on doors,
then theres doing your own tax and insurance im in a reel pickle about the whole thing.
ive not given them my bank details yet as i see this as a trial and am still on the sick if i was to be payed on friday week i would obviously declare im back in work.
i just hate the fact that its 100% COMMISION NO SALARY WHOTSOEVER so if u dont get the appoitments u dont earn a penney.
having said that id only have to get 2 appoitments a week to get the same as sick pay most reps are getting 3-5 a day .
im so confused ive been through hell with health anxiety and gad ,this job to me seems like bigtime pressure.
on the plus side for the job you can work when u want for as long or short as u want per week so if i was feeling bad i could have a day of help me please guys

11-12-12, 15:09
I say go for it! You can carry on signing on anyway and they just take the money off your benefits so you won't lose out.

The best thing you can do is get out there and work for so many reasons so do it!

11-12-12, 15:12
I have answered this on my thread after your comment :)

11-12-12, 15:16
Yep Nicolas right! But come on if your having a bad spell, not always the best move! U can end up starting something and making things more complicated! I say go for it too BUT money is a huge factor, depends on what Benefit, I suppose. Nicola seems to know a lot more than I do, soo if this is the case, try it. I'm sure that way you'll know if you really are - work ready?

11-12-12, 15:41
GUYS I NEED YOUR HELP BIGTIME i have a big loan and im really in trouble as i cant make the payments back as i am on the sick , i have offered the bank £15 a month for the next 3 months and they have excepted that im suppose to be paying £320 !!!! this debt is making me suicidal i owe £14,000 in total which wasnt a problem when i had my job,
im feeling so much pressure to get back into work but my dr doesnt think im ready although another dr has said it would be a good idea, on thursday i had a phonecall from a old work pal saying he was working for a new sales company (solar power ) and was doing really well and he put my name forward , i got all excited ,
went to the hospitiol and they still dont really no whats wrong with me but said physically i could work.
the job is basicaly getting leads for the survey'ers as soon as the surveyur goes to the the house i get £50 if they buy the solar power you get a further 1 %
so yesterday i made loads of phonecalls and managed to get 4 bookings so in theory that would be a minimum of £200 before tax , insurance.
one blew out as he had an east facing roof, and im waiting to hear about the other three. once i pass the adress onto head office they will ask the potential customer a series of questions before sending a surveyor round, my friend is doing very well up in exeter last week he earnt £650 before tax but he has a car and a million houses to knock on .
you can either phone or go and knock on doors , my question is if its that easy why are more people not doing it ?? this is what my mum said to me last night .ive made 50 phonecalls this morning and got one potential booking. spoke to a guy who is working for this company and he said he is happy to pick me up and we can go and knock doors together that sounds great but dont no how long that will last as he lives 40 mins away i reckon he will soon get fed up of that.
the next problem is ive only just started to feel a bit better on the anxiety front im not sure im ready to go round cornwall with a stranger knocking on doors,
then theres doing your own tax and insurance im in a reel pickle about the whole thing.
ive not given them my bank details yet as i see this as a trial and am still on the sick if i was to be payed on friday week i would obviously declare im back in work.
i just hate the fact that its 100% COMMISION NO SALARY WHOTSOEVER so if u dont get the appoitments u dont earn a penney.
having said that id only have to get 2 appoitments a week to get the same as sick pay most reps are getting 3-5 a day .
im so confused ive been through hell with health anxiety and gad ,this job to me seems like bigtime pressure.
on the plus side for the job you can work when u want for as long or short as u want per week so if i was feeling bad i could have a day of help me please guys

Maximus, I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. This job sounds very precarious to me. Commission based work in such a poor economic climate is a very risky prospect. From what you write your anxiety also continues to be an ongoing issue that needs further work.

What I would advise you to do is consider the pros and cons of each scenario. I assume that you are on ESA? If you give up your benefits and take this job and find that you are not making a wage or are unable to continue to work due to your anxiety how would you cope with going through the ATOS assessment once again which can take months? How would you cope in this situation emotionally or financially?

Right now, you have a payment agreement in place. You are co operating with the repayment of your debt. Why not go and see your local CAB for advice with debt management before you make a decision?

Work is great for your confidence, emotional and financial health. But only if you are well enough to work in the first place.

Think carefully about this decision and seek advice to enable you to make an informed choice.

I wish you the very best:hugs:

11-12-12, 15:44
He shouldn't have to give up benefits for the job. I was claiming JSA and working at the same time.

11-12-12, 20:02
i wouldnt get paid till friday week so that leaves me well over a week to trial this job out before i declare im working again , i just hate the thought of comission based work, although it does give me a little more freedom for my ongoing anxiety problems,
i cant see how u can be on benifits and working at the same time ?
guess i may have to go out with the boss man tomorrow just to c how it goes , he's told me how much money there is in it so perhaps he can prove it to me

11-12-12, 20:06
many years ago (so I don't know if it is the same now) I was claiming benefits and doing casual work so I just had to declare what I earned and they adjusted my benefits each week. If I didn't earn anything one week I still got my benefits. I would check it out before you make your mind up.

13-12-12, 13:22
sent back into hospitol yesterday extreme stomach pains being sick , aswell as dodgy pooh spent all day in there on a drip re hydrating me and also pain killers got out very late last night they have made a couple of outpaitent appoitments for me in the near future to see whats going on as ive been in 6 times since august.
job wise i hate this solar power selling buisness its the wrong time of the year and it's really stressing me out, ive given it a go over the last few days and made 5 appoitments ,1 has changed his mind , 1 has cancelled till the new year , so that leaves me with 3 bookings so £150 before tax , ive knocked on about 50 doors for that i find the job almost humiliating , the boss man that said he was coming over to show me the ropes only lasted an hour and went back home to use his phone to get deals as he said it was to cold.
i must say its not much fun having the phone put down on u or the door shut in your face i say to myself surely im better than this.
having said that if i get a few more bookings tomorrow and sat it could take me up to £400!!!
not having a car is not helping lots of places i want to go require him picking me up and it seems to me he likes to use the phone more than knock doors , i dont like the feeling of walking around for a few hours and getting paid nothing they are shutting for xmas nxt friday so i guess i could give it till then to earn as much as poss

18-12-12, 11:14
well i made 7 appoitments and 6 cancelled that is not a good ratio , the question isdid they cancel though? this is the problem i have , for all i no my team leader may well have done the survey himself and pocketed the £50 i have no way of finding out , im not aloud to phone the client back i would get the sack, i dont really want to go over the team leaders head to find out why all the cancelations as im suppose to report to my team leader.
it just seems all to complicated to make a living andis stressing me out