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11-12-12, 19:40
My parents are coming to mine for Christmas, my son and his wife, my other son and girlfriend, my daughter and boyfriend..I thought that was a lot. My son just phoned and said "Mam do you mind if my sister in law and her husband and 2 kids come over from Italy to your house for Christmas"? No that's fine I say :scared15: Oh and we might bring our 2 kittens as well! 14 people and 4 cats!:scared15: My sons have said they will cook all the food so I just have to relax and I have told them if it gets too much for me I may have to hide in my bed :unsure: In case you are wondering..No I don't have a big house just a 3 bedroom semi detached and the bedrooms are not that big. My parents and daughter will just come over for the day but the others will stay a couple of days. Maybe I will move out to my parents and leave them all to it!! I am trying not to let it stress me. I usually have my husbands kids and there families and his sisters and there families the week before Christmas but have postponed that until March (hubby's 65th birthday). Maybe I need to ask my doctor for more diazepam to cope with Christmas :D

12-12-12, 00:41
Wow!! Annie all I can say is rather you than me hun, I wouldn't know which way was up with that amount of people in my house:wacko:

Still I suppose if they're going to do all the food and let you relax it could be quite fun......just make sure you've got a bolt hole you can go to should you need some space hun.

I'm not having anyone visit this year over Christmas, it's been a difficult year for me with depression and anxiety and I know that I just wont be able to cope with it all, so it will just be me, my partner, he's very good and will just entertain himself and not bug me, and, of course, my 2 puss cats:D

If you live anywhere near me Annie, there's always room for you here if you need to go hide somewhere........I never say "there's no room in the Inn"!! We've even got grass here for if you decide to arrive on a donkey:roflmao:

Best of luck though, I'll bet you'll have a great time and lots of fun will be had by all :D

12-12-12, 09:32
I have already warned them I may need to hide in my bedroom! I have to admit I am quite anxious about and will be pleased when boxing day is over and they have all left. :unsure:

12-12-12, 09:58
I feel the same way, and I've only got my in-laws coming overnight. They're not even actually staying with us, but I'm still anxious!

12-12-12, 10:12
I feel the same way, and I've only got my in-laws coming overnight. They're not even actually staying with us, but I'm still anxious!

And it is supposed to be the season of peace :)

12-12-12, 15:13
Blimey Annie,
Talk about stress?? you poor thing, well maybe not so poor if you are having the dinner cooked and if you like the company!!!!!.
I myself would hibernate in bed.OMG way toooooo much.:flowers:

12-12-12, 15:18
I will see how it goes...I am sure with that many in the house they won't miss me if I disappear! x

16-12-12, 17:01
The closer it gets the more anxious I am becoming...I just wish it was boxing day!

16-12-12, 17:58
Hi Annie.. I completely get where your coming from I really do. I am feeling slightly anxious for the same reason but for half the amount of people.. 14 is a lot.

What I have done to minimize stress is.. written down my 3 course menu ingrediant by ingrediant lol, made sure everything barring the fresh is in. Have a list of fresh to get stuck on my fridge.. double and tripple checked it :-)

I have checked I have enough cutlery and crockery for it all to look nice. Got my tablecloth washed ready, crackers, napkins etc....

Next is to write down my plan of what time to switch what on! when to take the meat out etc.. we all know when we get stressed our memory goes out the window lol

See if that helps.. and then on the day, take a deep breath, look at how lucky you are to have all the family you love around you, get a large glass of wine (although I haven't had a drink since being on the tabs, so not sure if to or not) Don't worry about the mess and enjoy.. you deserve it :hugs:x

16-12-12, 18:03
I have ordered all the veg etc from Asda to be delivered and hubby will pick the turkey up from M&S on Christmas eve. My 2 sons have already said they will cook the dinner so a lot of the stress is taking away from me. It is just the amount of people in the house. Even just me and hubby I sometimes have to hide away on my own. It is all sounding so scary at the moment but maybe I will surprise my self and enjoy it :unsure:

16-12-12, 18:12
You will be ok Annie but I know what you mean. Like you said, they will be busy chatting away, so if you want an hours quiet just pop up and have one. I am sure no one will mind xx

16-12-12, 18:24
You will be ok Annie but I know what you mean. Like you said, they will be busy chatting away, so if you want an hours quiet just pop up and have one. I am sure no one will mind xx

I just wish I could be looking forward to it, it seems so daft getting stressed about a day that everyone else in the family is looking forward to. x