View Full Version : Can't get a grip

11-12-12, 20:06
I can't seem to get my head straight at the moment, I have a colposcopy on Monday and I just know it's going to be bad news.

I've only been referred to Colposcopy because I've gone on and on at my doctors because they are happy that nothing is amiss, but I feel certain they have missed something.

I've been googling online and everything I read suggests I have all the symptoms of Cervical Cancer. On top of that I now have quite bad UTI symptoms and that points to it.

I've had clear ultrasounds recently but I know they wouldn't pick up cervical cancer and I haven't had a smear for 18 months because I'm not due one for another 18 months.

Doctors keep telling me that my cervix looks healthy and I have an ectropion but from what I've read you can't distinguish between an early cervical cancer and an ectropion so how can they be sure that's what it is!

Sorry for the rant just getting myself so worked up about Monday :weep:

11-12-12, 21:06
We have also written to each other in "Female personal problems", I am panicking about gynaecological cancer as well, even more since dr sent my tests for URGENT ANALYSIS:scared15:

... but when I read your words above something from the CBT pops up in my head:

you say you "know" you will have bad news, and you have "a feeling something is wrong". These are only thoughts! You having thoughts doesn't mean they are true!
HA sufferers tend to have this feeling of doom, I do to, and we are not able to see it for what it is: a feeling! Feelings are only in our minds. They have nothing to do with what will happen. A lot of people get ill who did not expect it at all. HA sufferers "know" they are ill and then it shows they are not. "Feelings" are not a diagnostic tool!

(I wish I could learn this when it comes to myself as well)

18 months since your last smear is a short time. These things develop slowly. Just like you I have also read that sometimes there can be cancer even in a healthy looking cervix, but 18 months after a smear I think you can trust your doctors. I understand that you are nervous for Monday, but try to relax. I will be a nervous wreck before I get my results on Tuesday, don't do the same as me, try to stay calm because I am sure they sent you for this Colposcopy just to reassure you, and you will for sure be reassured:hugs: