View Full Version : Citalopram not working

Lion King
11-12-12, 20:50
Excessive nervousness - I have been taking Cit for last few years, I did cold turkey and crashed (BAD IDEA!). I went back on citalopram back in August on 20mg, I have been experiencing excess nervousness especially when I don't actually feel nervous. I tried stepping up my citalopram dose to see if it made a difference but it made me feel even worse. I am back on 20mg and today I was getting really frustrated with myself and when I finished work I really did despair and thought what is the point, am I always going to feel this way, I'm trying not to get down but its affecting my confidence, its a horrible thought but I thought of ending it all - its all become such a battle to feel well.

I'm going back to the doctors and see if they can change my medication and see if I can get some therapy.

Feel really down and a disappointment to my children (athough they are not aware!), what kind of role model am I going to be? What have they got to look up to?

Depression and Anxiety sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

11-12-12, 22:19
Hi, I think it's a good idea about going back to your doctor to see if they can change your medication and get some therapy. See if they can refer you for CBT - I've personally found that very helpful. :)
If you came off citalopram too quickly the first time, then unfortunately it may not work so well the second time around - I've seen some other people on this forum say that they had a similar experience.

11-12-12, 23:46
I've also had experience of different side effects the second time around on a drug.

Sertraline and Fluoxetine are still prescribed as first line treatment for anxiety / depression, you may want to discuss these with your GP.

Trazodone and Mirtazapine are also an option, and AFAIK, and from personal experience, have a lower side effect profile than SSRIs (more easily tolerated).


Lion King
12-12-12, 17:07
Thanks you very much for your replies, as you can tell I feel pretty fed up andneed to get out of this glum mood. I've tried ringing the doctors today but engaged everytime, Just booked now for friday morning.

My wife was on fluoxetine, it worked well for her and she is not on any medication now which is where I want to be, so I'm going to see if I can request this instead.

Will I need to come off cit gradually or is it possible to just switch?


15-12-12, 17:05
you should try fluoxetine, too.