View Full Version : Crazy dreams :/

11-12-12, 21:54
Anyone get crazy dreams on Fluoxetine? Been on it a month now and started having the weirdest random dreams, very vivid and I wake up like WTF was that all about? lol

Also getting spam tension headaches at the base of my skull/top of my neck?

11-12-12, 23:27
Can't say I've had any strange dreams as a result of fluoxetine. I do however seem to have restless legs all the time on it, and have frequently found myself clenching my jaw at times :/ How are you finding fluox in general though?

I have however experienced some weird dreams on valerian root!

11-12-12, 23:49
Fluoxetine gave me extra anxiety, nausea and dizziness.

No sleep problems, although I do take Mirtazapine too.

Only ever had weird dreams with Propranolol.


12-12-12, 13:07
Thanks Emphyrio and Mark 13

The sleep problems have only just started, the dreams are wierd and very vivid and I wake up in the middle of the night like WTF and try to have a sense of humour about it and then prepare myself for the next bout of sleep lol

@Emphyrio The initial side effects have improved though I am having blip days, last week I felt pretty good but the last couple of days it's been weird dreams, anxiety and ectopic beats in the mornings :/

12-12-12, 23:35
Headaches as well :/

12-12-12, 23:46
I think the side effects will pass - its a very slow acting SSRI and will likely be around 6 weeks before the side effects stop. If you still have side effects at 10 weeks I'd speak to your doc.

I've decided to stop the fluox again as like you said, the 5mg is probably not doing any good. Its just me and zeus's grace from here on (until I return to the GP feeling like sh1t and get given another anti-d)

16-12-12, 17:22
Anyone get crazy dreams on Fluoxetine? Been on it a month now and started having the weirdest random dreams, very vivid

Could not sympathize with you more right now, I had these crazy SO vivid dreams days after I took my first fluoxetine. I kept having lucid dreams as well and recurring nightmares. I would wake up for a good 10 minutes and think they were real. I still have vivid dreams but not as severe as what they were. They are finally dying down but I'm still dreaming every night which is pretty unusual for me! Hope they are settling down now!

02-01-13, 18:48
hi im week 6 and still aving silly dreams try not to think too much into them im sure this will pass

07-01-13, 11:29
Oh these crazy dreams... The other night I dreamt the queen came to visit in her carriage with prince Philip. When the carriage arrived I knew they were the queen and prince Philip even though it didn't look like the real people. The queen was laying down and prince philip was in a Hawaiian shirt. The Queen then continued to inform my group that she was dying and she removed her hat (of some sort) and there was her brain exposed and we all cried! I mean WTF!

Last night I dreamt my GF father had a heart attack (heart problems are my main fear/health anxiety) before the dream switched to me trying to take out a huge floating ship with nukes because it was going to attack America? I mean seriously lol :/

07-01-13, 13:33
yeah dreams; mine go crazy on fluoxetine. i tell my colleagues about them - one colleague keeps saying "are you on drugs"? Hmmmmnnn well yes acutally but not like the ones your'e thinking of. Strangely i've been taking it since october & its only about the last week that really my dreams have begun to get quite vivid. i do usually remember my dreams anyway so it's nothing unusual for me. my only other side effect was a dry mouth for a week or 2 but otherwise fine. and of course gaining from the benefits of not being an angry wound up person behaving like a power-ball bouncing off the walls all the time.

14-01-13, 12:57
I've been having the weirdest dreams too, absolutely crazy. And they seem so real. I catch myself thinking the things in the dream happened during the day. Had a crazy dream last night and woke up with a bit of a shock, not realising where I was. The dream seemed so real. Not nice!