View Full Version : I might need an appointment with my psychiatrist

11-12-12, 22:37
Hi once again. I have been experiencing difficulties recently and I have been wondering whether I need to see my psychiatrist again? I'm just not sure whether it is the stress of Christmas, the various troubles I have had with my heating and being ill and losing my voice. I'm not sure whom to believe at present and have become very paranoid. Doctors appointments are like gold dust and earlier this year I was feeling so good that I wanted to reduce my meds and run off into the sunset. It might just be a blip- the weepiness- but there are many things that make me cry. I am just about dragging myself to work and feel more motivated but I know deep down there is that hollow feeling of pain. EJ

11-12-12, 22:43
It is a stressful time of year especially with rubbish weather. Sending you :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

12-12-12, 10:20
EJ Sending you hugs:hugs::hugs:
Annie Sending you hugs too:hugs::hugs:
I feel like running away myself. Time of year, must be

12-12-12, 10:26
I think we need a BIG group hug :bighug1:

16-12-12, 16:08

Sorry to hear that you are feeling weepy at the moment. I definately think it is the time of year...I get quite emotional at this time of the year...we are all so busy etc and dont rest as much as we should and everything eventually takes its toll. I have found myself blubbing at some songs where I wouldnt normally do and there seems no real reason for it.

I think you should hang on until after Christmas and see how you go and then if you are still feeling this way make an appointment...having said all that you are the only one who really knows you and you may feel you need to do something sooner....difficult!!

Anyhow I wish you much better days ahead.

Look after yourself.


17-12-12, 10:47
Elizabeth Jane,

Sending you some hugs:


17-12-12, 21:14
Hi thanks guys I am feeling a lot brighter but after a busy weekend (two concerts) I seemed to have picked up somones cold again. Pray it does not go to my chest. I don't think I have the energy to fight another chest infection. Our shop where I work closes between Christmas and the New Year so I am looking forward to the rest. I was crying watching 'Call the Midwife' the one about Chomely yesterday. I've seen it before but it made no difference. I will have to see how I go depression wise. I probably need a good rest. EJ