View Full Version : Need some help again

11-12-12, 23:11
Hi Everyone
Like i have said in previous posts is this a never ending saga, just as i think i have started to get some hold on it something else crops up more dull pains in right ribs near back, i try to dismiss these as anxiety symptoms but still that nasty thought thief comes along and takes my good thought away and replaces it with various scenarios of gloom and negative thoughts, like i said in previous posts i did not realize that anxiety carried so many symptoms with it, which really add to the bad and terrible feelings.
I simply cant now discern what is an actual ache caused by something else and i fear every one of them this is terrible i need to get out of this cycle i am overreacting to everything, things i once would not a have taken any notice of now are seen in a totally different negative light.
On the positive side my bloods were very good apart from high cholesterol and i start CBT on Sunday also my GP told me i could see her every day if i want to as she knows what i am battling.
It is just so frustrating, forcing my self to motivate myself, to eat and go tto work all the while this thing fights me trying to drag me back into those terrible thoughts,and then to really make matters worse you have so called intelligent people telling you to just snap out of it OH IF ONLY I AND THE REST OF US COULD JUST SNAP OUT OF IT feel really terrible really AND trying hard to motivate myself,if only the aches pains would just give me a break.
Today as part of my self help i purchased a book Things might go terribly horribly wrong a guide to life liberated from anxiety, This will be my starting point fingers crossed

11-12-12, 23:16
Your GP sounds very understanding which is good, I also have a very supportive GP. Hopefully the CBT will help you. You seem to be taking all the right steps to help you recover. I have had people say to me"You will have to sort yourself out" If only they knew what it feels like! Keep positive..you will get there :hugs:

11-12-12, 23:38
Sometimes a self-help book can be of real benefit, I looked at that one myself before deciding on another. Hope it helps you.

As for pain below the ribs, I get it often when I'm anxious. It's always been put down to anxiety, I had IBS 20 years ago, and I think I get mild flare-ups.

It's good you're having tests done, it should help put your mind at rest.



12-12-12, 08:54
Hi all the one thing i didnt ask my GP was the signifigance of the bloods tests being good. Can someone just advice on the signifcance of getting these results as good, the doctor explained they where excellent but high cholESTROL but i didnt ask any more and i dont want to ASK DR GOOGLE.

As i have struck DR GOOGLE from my medical registrar he/she is sacked

is good bloods a positive thing then and means i have less to worry about.
Its just these aches pains feelings then new ones they trigger a negative reaction with me and i say "Oh my god something has to be wrong thats a strange pain or ache" then the crap thoughts then the down down down and panic and anxiety.

I guess i am just looking for some reassurance for all this other stuff going on that it is Anxiety i am so confused and frightenened.

12-12-12, 09:34
Good blood test results are a very good thing as blood tests can identify many problems.

12-12-12, 13:43
Thank you Annie that is a huge plus for an otherwise terrible day,

thank you so much, I didnt realise the significance of the blood test i just thought they were sort of a routine the GP done.

I am 42 years of age and feel like i have lost the life i once had to this terrible affilication its going on months but took that turn for the total worse recently when thoughts of dread and and something was wrong appeared.

thanks again for for the reply.

I think maybe didnt realise this could get such a grip on me the pains the aches the feelings of dread and the oh my god what is happening to me feeling. Thanks again Graham

12-12-12, 13:48
No problem, the feelings you have are all anxiety symptoms, try to be positive and tell yourself you can overcome it, because you can!

12-12-12, 15:23
Annie Thanks again i should latch on to the Positive you told me about the bloods being good as a positve and build on that, and try and stay positive.

But it is just the pains aches are trying to tell me different i am thinking how on earth could i be ok feeling like this.

Just terrible.