View Full Version : So FORLORN, after five years of no panic/anxiety

11-12-12, 23:18
My old habits reared their ugly head. I am so depressed. I had conquered my problems for the last 5 years with the help of this board and the grace of God, yet here I am humbled in the throes of anxiety.

I came down with strep throat a few days ago, and had the regular antibiotics prescribed, and settled down for a few days of sleep and Advil. My wife ended up getting strep the day after I did, so I had to take care of the 15 month old daughter since my wife was affected worse by the strep than I. After a hard day of playing Mr.Mom I settled down to watch the Monday Night Football game, and decided to go to bed at halftime with the game already out of reach.

I lay in bed for a while and start having the strangest thoughts and sights (only with my eyes closed??????). Instantly my anxiety flips on like a light, I'm checking my pulse constantly, pacing the room, doing push-ups, taking my blood pressure, taking ragged rapid breaths, and convinced I have some sort of brain affecting strep superbacteria, a heart attack, or a stroke. I do this for about 3 hours before finally getting to sleep.

Today is like a normal day 5 years ago, jittery arms and legs, adrenaline pumping, feeling like I need to run, chest and back tightness, spaciness.

Im turning back to you guys for help since it was this board that played a huge role in my recovery a few years ago. I do believe that the Lord is covering me right now with his love, I just need some help from you guys as it is so disparaging to be back at square 1 after so many years of peace.

I love all you guys, God bless you

12-12-12, 09:55
Hi Greg,
Sorry you are having a bad time. If you are not on meds, I would consider them. There are a lot out there and some really do work. I am on Duloxetine and it has transformed my life. I wish you all the best.


12-12-12, 10:16
I am sure it is the fact that you have not been well that has triggered this. Think of it as a little blip and stay positive. You will be tired from yourself and wife being ill and this will pass. Just make sure you tell yourself it is a little blip, you have overcome it before and can do it again! :hugs:

12-12-12, 14:15
I am sure with the help of good friends and your faith you will pull through again, you have the strength.

13-12-12, 13:18
Greg, if you conquered it before you have the tools to conquer it again.

That's all you need to know.

13-12-12, 20:54
Hi Greg,

Sorry to hear you're having a rough few days. On the plus side, you're not a newbie at this, you KNOW you can beat it and you have proof that you can beat as you've done it before. Will be rooting for you.

13-12-12, 22:03
Hi Greg,
I just joined the site today, but can already see why it helped you 5 years ago. I too am suffering from a relapse after 3 years of panic/anxiety free. I agree with Annie0904, this latest blip was likely a mixture of your illness coupled with the added stress of a sick household and likely not getting a proper nights sleep. My psychiatrist tells me that the most important thing for balancing my moods is sleep. Take that deep breath, think positive and know you will beat it again. For me, after my relapse, the hardest part was the worry that it would be worse than it was before. . .but if I think about it, its not, I am just more informed and aware of what they are this time around. Ultimately, it sucks, but I know that I will get better day by day. Some days will be great and I will be fine. I try to focus on that.
We are rooting for you and sending you happy calming thoughts!
Good luck!

16-12-12, 22:11
Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for all of your help. I believe I have once again beaten my anxiety into a lengthy remission. Breathing exercises, exercise, good company, prayer and of course antibiotics for the illness have me feeling calm, collected and in control. If I can ever help any of you, I would be honored.



16-12-12, 22:14
Greg, I am pleased that you are feeling well again, and well done to you for controlling it so well.