View Full Version : Big black cloud over my head

12-12-12, 02:07
I truly believe that I am going to have to live with this HA for the rest of my life. :weep: Every day is a struggle, I barely function, and I am exhausted by the end of the day from trying to pretend at work, or home, or anywhere that I am not an anxious person. Yesterday at work (that darn optical migraine) has really thrown me through a loop now I am afraid to move that it will happen again. Just want to cry. Sorry, to go on just scared to move. HELPPPPPPPP

12-12-12, 02:36
hey I also have HA I know how you feel. I hate visual disturbances!! ur not alone just have to stay strong. y u up so late x

12-12-12, 09:43
Hi Panicky,
I know what you mean about every day being a struggle, it wears you down. If you are not on meds, that may be worth considering. There are a lot out there for depression which also help with other things - I am on Duloxetine which has boosted my mood and also helped me relax and not worry about things so much. I wish you all the best.


12-12-12, 09:56
Oh I am really sorry that you are still no better, you really helped me last week when I was in the depths of despair and I wish there was more I could do to help you. We just have to keep believing that it will get better...I am sure it will, This time of year is quite stressful anyway and the dark days don't help. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

12-12-12, 11:44
Annie I don't like this at all. These feelings are not nice, and I am on high alert! Scanning every spot, or light. I think I am making myself more crazy. I did a dumb thing and googled sinus and optic, and I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT! They say some not nice stuff. I don't know how I am going to manage work today, but If I can get through today I am done till Monday. We are supposed to travel to my daughters for the weekend 3 hrs. away to see her tree, and now I don't even want to do that, but I would never let her down. I am afraid to take any kind of medicine, but I need to get over that, I would probably feel like a new person, Anyway thank you for being there, and thank you all for your support. Lucky to have you all. :hugs:

12-12-12, 11:55
Debbi, you would take medication for any other illness so why not this? I really think it will help you, these feelings are just so awful and I hate to think of you having to deal with it all. I was the same last week and have increased my medication and starting to feel better again. :hugs::hugs:

12-12-12, 12:01
I scared it is going to make me feel worse, aspirin is my cure for everything, and a antibiotic if needed. (and I never even finish them) I don't know if you ever heard of xanax, but my GP had given them to me, I carry them in my purse, and have never taken one. They are fast acting, and I think they are gonna kill me. (so silly), and I know just how silly it is, just another hang up that I add to my list. (past therapy, has shown me why I think everything will happen to me, just haven't learned quite how to deal with it) so I suffer. I could NEVER pour my heart out on here, as to why. It's just something I don't think I will ever get past. Very sad. I am going to try the claire books maybe they will help. Thanks Annie so much! I will let you know if I make it through the day. :hugs:

12-12-12, 12:13
I am always here for you if you need to chat. I have tablets similar to Xanex and when my anxiety is at its worst I take one a day in addition to my other meds. It really does take the edge of that horrible feeling but I can understand that so many people are fearful of meds. :bighug1:

12-12-12, 17:42
Annie thank you once again. Well I am half way through the day, and I made it so far, even feeling like a bubble head. (and getting bit, hit, and spit at) My 1 friend said Debbi, if you can make it through that, you will do just fine this afternoon! Hope she's right. (Annie is is true what happen to the nurse over there? that is so sad, breaks my heart) all over the news here, and they were talking about it at work. I said "I have a friend I will ask her" Hope you are having a really good day. :)

12-12-12, 17:49
Yes it is true and very sad, all because of a prank call from an Australian radio station. I think she must have had other things going on though and maybe that was just the last straw for her.
Well done you on getting through the day so far..you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for :hugs:

12-12-12, 17:59
Awww I would say she definitely had some other things gone on, but how sad is that all do to a prank call. :weep: You are a blessing, well here I go, next half of the day. Have a great rest of your day, and I am so proud of how well you are doing. Good Job :hugs: Hopefully I wont get eaten, or beaten alive lol

12-12-12, 18:00
Hope you are feeling better soon, hope that big black cloud moves away!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-12-12, 19:06
and every cloud has a silver lining :) :hugs:

12-12-12, 22:38
Alma thank you so much, and I am still thinking of you, Hope you are feeling better. :hugs: I hope that darn cloud blows over soon too, lol
Annie, you and those cut comments. Can you just please move to the states!!!! I DID IT I MADE IT THROUGH THE DAY AND I AM STILL IN ONE PIECE YEAHHHHHHH. Thank you all.

12-12-12, 22:42
Debbi...you would soon want to send me back! Do you live in New York state?

12-12-12, 22:44
Noooooooo, Annie you are a keeper. I live in Pennsylvania. Annie thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I am actually going to go shopping with my son now. Talk soon.:hugs:

12-12-12, 23:54
Enjoy shopping :) I have just ordered my Christmas turkey to be collected Christmas eve. They are SO expensive...I think I should have told my family we are having a vegetarian Christmas! xx

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My new little kitten http://https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/63169_10152300780675587_243294560_n.jpg

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