View Full Version : Small skin coloured bump on nose

12-12-12, 02:38
So, I'm in the season of health anxiety. I've already been the the doc re: bubbles in urine. Based on discussion with the doctor about my health anxiety and what I had been observing with my urine, he told me he was 99% sure everything was fine with me, but gave me blood tests and urinalysis to ease my mind. He told me if I don't hear from him, that everything is OK, as he predicted. I had the test done yesterday morning.

So, here we are tonight and my mind has drifted to something else that I noticed over a year ago and googled about. A bump on my nose.

I have a bump that is about 2.0 to 2.5 mm in diameter. I have a very porous nose, and seem to have sensitive skin. I have had cysts come and go before in other parts of my body, as well as what seems to be oily skin on my face. The bump looks like my skin. I don't think it has grown any since I became conscious of it last year..and to be honest I have no idea how long I have had it. It doesn't hurt, itch, or do anything other than spark my health anxiety into freaking out that it is something serious. It also looks like it has a dot or pore in it when i scrunch my nose up.

I am a 29 year old male. I don't work outside (other than 3 summers from 2001-2003 while coaching soccer), although my nose was sunburned a couple of years ago..but nothing extensive..just red like the rest of my face.

Am I freaking out over something silly again? Talk me back into remission people.

12-12-12, 02:47
the joy of health anxiety! sounds like you are doing just what I do...as soon as ive got an answer for one thing I find another!! it goes on and on...there will always be something. I think my doc is sick of seeing me.

12-12-12, 02:51
I know right? :doh:

Deep down I KNOW I'm being irrational about things, but I have triggers that lead me down this road. My dad got sick when I was young and I quickly realized that things don't just happen to 'other people'. Usually when I'm going through stressfull things in life (work, others being sick etc...) my health anxiety will flare up.

I know I shouldn't google, but I do..and then I get mad at myself. Usually reassurance from others who have had similar 'issues' and turned out to be nothing helps me immensely. That is why I love and appreciate this website so much. I wish I could buy it a Christmas card as a thanks :D

12-12-12, 02:57
aww. im the same I still google and I know I shouldn't!! if I hear someone talk about something I think omg I have that! just got to laugh sometimes though!

well if u have any other irrational things pop up feel free to mail me, your not alone!!! :)

12-12-12, 13:07
I have had a lot of those, it sounds like a cyst ... I have oily, sensitive, acne-prone skin. I am sure if it is on your nose and visible, one of your doctors would have said something if ti was anything at all to worry about. Also after that amount of time that it's been there, it would have grown or something.