View Full Version : is a little bit of sweating normal at night?

12-12-12, 07:50
i went to bed last night and woke up a little bit sweating between my breasts and back of my neck is the normal i wasnt drenchin or soakin this has happened a few times lately but not everynight maybe once a week once and none the other i was dreaming last night so maybe that was it ... anyone else have this too and please say its normal??

12-12-12, 08:27
Yes what you describe is perfectly normal! It happens to me as well.

What is not normal is when you wake up and you and your sheets are soaking wet. It happened to me when I was pregnant (it was nothing dangerous, just hormonal changes) and believe me, you notice the difference between normal and abnormal sweating.

12-12-12, 09:31
Thanks for your reply. I'm glad I'm not the only 1 :) I check my children at night before I got to bed and my little boy do get sweaty around his neck so I turn him around so I guess it is normal to sweat a bit after all we r goin to get warm under a duvet! Suffering with health anxiety don't help. I expect the average person wudnt even worry about it.. Thankyou again X