View Full Version : worrying about the world ending on 21/12/12

12-12-12, 11:25
i know i'm being irrational but i'm totally obsessing about this and can't enjoy the run up to christmas. Anyone else worrying about this?

12-12-12, 11:40
There have been more threads on this subject which you might like to read http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=125085&highlight=world+ending

12-12-12, 21:52
I am the same - terrified. I have to get a wisdom tooth removed on Tues and that's actually scaring me less. I really don't know how I'm going to cope on the 21st.

12-12-12, 22:10
This is a common fear among members I think. My personal view is that you can read theories for and against until your head is spinning, but the end result will be the same: what will be, will be, and there is nothing we can do to stop it, either way. The only certain thing is that if you spend the next week worrying about it and trying to predict the unpredictable, you will undoubtedly spend the next week unhappily, which doesn't seem like a very good thing to do to me :)

12-12-12, 22:41
Well I have ordered my Christmas turkey to be collected from M&S on Christmas eve so it can't end on the 21st otherwise I will have wasted my deposit!!

12-12-12, 22:48
dont worry about it! i was absolutely crapping myself until a few weeks ago and now iv realised how silly iwas being. its just a cruel hoax out to scare people
im so surprised at myself how cool i am now its nearly here compared to how freaked out i was before.
surely if it was the end thered be more commotion and everything??

12-12-12, 22:50
I am not worried at all, I am looking forward to seeing all my kids on Christmas day :) xx

12-12-12, 22:53
Well I have ordered my Christmas turkey to be collected from M&S on Christmas eve so it can't end on the 21st otherwise I will have wasted my deposit!!
:yesyes: :flowers:

Thanks for making me genuinely LOL.

12-12-12, 23:03
My husband wasn't laughing when I told him he has to collect it on Christmas eve and there is no car park near the shop :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 23:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ----------

He is not laughing now either when I told him how much it cost!! He just said "How much!!!!!" :roflmao:

13-12-12, 10:50
I am quite nervous about this as well. But I just think how many doomsday theories there has been e.g. 1984, 2000 and so on they were all just people worrying over nothing.

13-12-12, 14:48
well, i've ben doing a lot of googling and got myself more anxious than ever! been reading about there being a large planet behind the sun, solar flares, black holes amongst many other things. Terrified now!

13-12-12, 14:51
I really don't think you should have googled it especially without an understanding about it. My Dad used to teach astronomy and knows a lot about it and he isn't worried at all. Just keep planning for Christmas day because I am confident the world won't end on 21st December.

13-12-12, 21:49
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon

The mayan calendar "ending" appears to be wrong and a poor interpretation of it. I think the most exciting thing (for me) on the 21st will be the fact its my last day of work for the year :-)

Look forward to xmas (with the exception of Brussel sprouts) without fear.

13-12-12, 23:45
I watched a programme on Discovery which made me worry too..saying that I've been worrying about this since away back last year. Yes I do remember 2000 and the last end of world thing last year but still makes me worry..nobody can give you a sure answer.

I suppose come 22nd I can relax a little but I just keep worrying makes me feel depressed. :blush:

14-12-12, 02:10
well, i've ben doing a lot of googling and got myself more anxious than ever! been reading about there being a large planet behind the sun, solar flares, black holes amongst many other things. Terrified now!

Yes I did see them on Youtube which terrified me as well - and it leads to other things too which brought on a big panic attack - saw other videos about conspiracy theories about unreality on this world. I have stopped watching Youtube now and I am more better now - but still having anxiety. I think it won't end on 21st - we would hear all about it on the news and the Government talking to us as well.

StarryBlueGal xx

14-12-12, 03:50
Hey folks,

The idea of the world ending is a scary concept for everyone. Simply because of the outcome it would have.

Even if the world was going to end, there would be nothing that we could do. What will be will be. We don't exist in just this physical world. Our souls exist beyond this world, in my opinion.

However, what I really wanted to put across in this post, is, that by allowing fear in by manifesting it and feeding it by looking at the very things you fear, for example, googling or looking around on youtube or on conspiracy forums, to look at things about 'the end of the world' is counter productive and something which you should avoid. Because you are feeding the fear, you are allowing yourself to be afraid. Fear is what controls us. To focus on the end state of what we fear, for example, death, is something which will control us because that focus will cause the fear!!...Rather than feeding the fear and letting it grow; rather than just focusing on the very thing you fear, you have to live in the moment and enjoy what you have, the people around you, the love that you feel for others. We are human beings, we just need to 'be'.

Also, it was the news which was the very thing which communicated the theory about the 21st being a doomsday. Please, if you are scared about these theories then seriously monitor what you are exposed to. There's no need to let those things into our minds, especially seeing as we have anxiety, etc.

What the Mayans predicted was not the end of the world. It was 'the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT'. Look around you. Bad things are happening in the world right now, innocent people are dying from war, poverty, violent crime, kids are being exposed to violent media...this is the world as the know it. If a prediction was for the world to end as we know it, then technically this is a positive thing. Perhaps the 21st is the day where the world itself starts to heal, where positivity reigns as opposed to negativity. Where good overcomes the bad.

14-12-12, 05:16
I have a long flight on 21 with my kids, so are many of colleagues at work. Realised about this coinsidence with the dates long after got the tickets. To be honest i am more worried about my normal anx on the plane than this end of the world theory.

14-12-12, 06:03
I dont think it will they world to big to end that quick

14-12-12, 12:06
A slightly different take on it for myself. At first it concerned me, but, thinking about it, i might just prefer the world to end and so end my mental torture. That would do nicely.

However, i think it will probably all be fine.

Allison Jayne
14-12-12, 22:51
It can't or more to the point, I will not let it as its my birthday that day!!! On a more serious note its the Mayan calendar that's ending, a bit like ours ends after 12 months. Xxx

16-12-12, 03:56
I'm scared too :ohmy:

16-12-12, 04:05
I very much doubt anything will happen. If it does, we won't know about it anyway and there's nothing that could be done about it to prevent it.

16-12-12, 20:14
http://www.2012hoax.org/2012factsheet - covers most things. The 2012 we're all doomed is a modern day thing someones made up using mis-interpretation of the mayan calendar.

16-12-12, 20:21
No not the world ending on the 21st:doh: Well i better get in the wifes good books ad tell her I will finish decorating the house on the 22nd (I'm a lazy git have been in the mist of finishing for the last 19 years).

But the world will not end just to get back at me and make me do the work.

AS k77be said it is all mis-interpretation face it it was said that the nazi's would take over the world and lead hundreds of years ago and see what happened.

16-12-12, 20:51
We have all been daft enough to buy into this theory.
We panic because of predictions that have become true.

What we don't focus on is the many many predictions that were absolute
The world will not end. We will all still be here stuffing our faces at Xmas.
Sadly man is ruining this world, like the crazed gunman in Connecticut, taking
The lives of those innocent babies and teachers.
For those poor souls life is over too soon.

Lets remember them and their poor families instead of worrying about something
That's NOT going to happen xxxxx

17-12-12, 00:34
I'm scared too :unsure:

17-12-12, 10:36
well my anxiety is sky high today, i feel physically sick! can anyone calm me down.

17-12-12, 11:24
I am also slightly crapping myself about Friday even though, in my rational state of mind I know it is ridiculous - I think having anxiety makes things like this worse - I know for me I have been Googling - not a great idea. I have a phobia of the universe/gravity stopping and the earth dropping - ugh can't even think about it.

Rainbow - try to distract yourself if you can - I know it is difficult but don't focus on this fear - I am trying to do the same right now although finding it a tad difficult. Sorry Im not much help :doh:

17-12-12, 11:49
One less mortgage payment :yesyes:

17-12-12, 15:21
One less mortgage payment :yesyes:

hahaha i agree, i won't have to pay my january rent then!!! :roflmao:and won't have to worry about paying back my student loans eitehr :winks:

I have to admit, although I know logically that it is just misinterpretation, there is a little part of me that is a bit nervous ... but I won't let that one take over.

17-12-12, 15:27
I think that we will all be OK.

I was tempted to tell the boss where to stick it and let a few people have a few home truths they needed to hear due to the fact that it would not matter after the 21st.

Thought better of it though. :)

20-12-12, 10:57
I think if the world was going to end tomorrow there would have been signs and signals and it would have been on SKY and BBC news!

Anyway, think of it this way, everyone will be out of their misery, no more panic!!! Let's have an "End of the World" party!

It's deffo not going to happen, may be the shortest day and feel like the end of the world. It can't be, I've got a great concert to play in next June 22nd.

Don't worry guys, we can all carry on worrying and getting anxious after tomrorow, sad as it may seem.

See my thread about Coeliac disease as well, it's cured me!!!!!!

20-12-12, 15:27
It was 3pm today it was supposed to end wasn't it? If so, its past the deadline.

Yay lets party!

20-12-12, 16:54
Not only that people, but I'm going around and ramming it down people's throats that the Mayan calandar did not account for leap years, therefore the calandar (not even the world) should have ended 7 months ago. I agree, let's have a party and focus on Christmas!

20-12-12, 17:01
Sod the end of the world, I've pulled my back and am getting a rotten cold right before Christmas, that's much more important to me, lol.

20-12-12, 17:08
Sod the end of the world, I've pulled my back and am getting a rotten cold right before Christmas, that's much more important to me, lol.
Hope you feel better soon x

20-12-12, 17:10
Hope you feel better soon x

Thank-you :) I suppose if the world does end at least I won't have to put up with my cold for the usual length of time... :winks: I'm going to try to knock it on the head with a mix of cold capsules & sloe gin tonight anyway though!!

20-12-12, 17:15
Elle, I've also got a cold, which was then followed by tonsillitis. :doh:

Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

20-12-12, 17:27
Can anyone tell me how the world is supposed to end? I don't mean to insult people's fears, but come on. Can anyone with any knowledge of physics explain this? Can anybody say what's actually going to happen?

Why are people so obsessed with this? What are people going to do with their lives once the big day has passed?

If the world actually does end I'll give every member of this forum 50p.

EDIT: You do know that the Mayan calendar doesn't account for leap years, right? Leap years were invented for the Roman calendar. Doomsday should have happened about six months ago according to the astronomical dates on the Mayan Calendar... (and the Mayan Calendar didn't predict Doomsday, it was simply as far ahead as they could record)

20-12-12, 17:38
I do agree with you Psycho. Even if the world did end, then what could we do about it? Absolutely nothing.

Also, I do not read on about what may happen tomorrow as it doesn't even bother me. But I do remember hearing from a friend that Nibiru is going to collide with Earth or something. A planet that doesn't even exist.... :doh:

20-12-12, 18:39
the mayans didn't even mention the end of the world through their predictions. The leap years thing is so true. I was worried when the hadron collider was predicted to end the world as it had substance and had the potential to go wrong. No one has said HOW it will end this time

20-12-12, 19:28
Look on the telly. Look around you. Notice a trend? Nobody is panicking except people on this forum.

People are laughing it off as a joke elsewhere.

I spoke to a friend yesterday and was saying the reason I find this one worrying is because there is so much media coverage. His reply was he hadn't actually heard anything about it until i'd told him. Then I realised - everything, literally EVERYTHING i've read about this doomsday thing has been on the internet. All of it through twitter, google etc. And i've actively gone looking for it too.

Ask yourself the question - If for the last 2 weeks you'd had no access to the internet, would you actually know that tomorrow was a predicted 'doomsday'? It sort of coincides with the whole googling symptoms thing. Ie thinking your symptoms are various diseases that you didn't know existed until you googled them.

Tomorrow will pass, it'll be a long day for some on here because as i know, you can reassure someone with 100% solid facts as much as you like, but it won't take away that lingering worry in the back of your mind, the 'what if?' aspect of catastrophic thinking. But in terms of the keeping your kids home/off school - Don't. Keep as much normality as you can, it's Christmas in a few days and there is probably so much to do. Like my mum says - everytime you think about googling, don't. Every time a thought pops in to your head, give yourself a task, anything. Just do what you can to pass the time and to keep yourself busy.

And just remember this, we are all sufferers of anxiety. We are the only people worried. Your next door neighbour will be going about their business as normal tomorrow, and will have a perfectly happy day.

One more day left and then they'll set a new date and we can all worry about that one instead :)

20-12-12, 19:44
It's already 21/12/12 in australia, new zealand and China! Does the apocolypse work on a certain time frame?
I'm sure the mayans didn't carve their calenders by GMT time!

20-12-12, 19:59
It's already 21/12/12 in australia, new zealand and China! Does the apocolypse work on a certain time frame?
I'm sure the mayans didn't carve their calenders by GMT time!

I like your way of thinking :D

20-12-12, 20:26
There is a programme on about this on channel 4 at the moment - It is talking about how 2012 has become a business and also about how the ideas of asteroids etc which are being talked about as causing the world to end, whilst they have some shred of science behind them, the way people are talking about them happening are not scientific at all - for example yes there are asteroids and it is conceivable that one could damage the earth BUT we would see it and be able to try and stop etc, it wouldn't just appear on the 21st and destroy the planet! Also they are talking to Mayan people who say that their calender does not talk about an end, but the beginning of a new cycle - the idea of the end has been made up and exploited by Western societies. I wouldn't say that everyone should watch it, I haven't seen it all and there may be some scaremongering - but I feel more relaxed now :)

20-12-12, 20:28
Cheers for the heads up, probably an interesting watch! I'll give it a miss though as I'm trying a not-important-enough-to-think-about approach to it. Not working though as I'm here, on this thread, again, haaaaaaaa.....

20-12-12, 20:34
The whole 21/12/12 scaremongering is due to western sensationalism hijacking the Mayan's 'end date' calendar. The Mayans themselves have stated that the 'end' of this calendar is merely the end of a time cycle and the beginning of another.They have said nothing whatsoever about an apocalypse or global calamity :shades:

20-12-12, 21:02
And still nobody has said what is actually going to happen... I sometimes wonder if I am the only person in the world who has any knowledge of physics or astronomy, and I'm not exactly Stephen Hawking or Galileo (figaro!). Surely I am not alone in thinking "er, actually, no, a world that's existed for billions of years doesn't just suddenly end".

This whole thing is a circus and people are allowing it to become a focus for their anxiety. Nor do people seem to be listening to those of us who don't live in fear of the world ending. I guess science and logic doesn't count for much in today's world. I'm not being rude to people who are suffering because of this, but you are allowing yourself to suffer. Nobody can make you afraid unless you choose to be afraid of them.

Stop choosing fear. Choose to have a life.

20-12-12, 21:38
I'm enjoying the suspence! Kind of like waiting to hear England have not got through to the world cup final again. The banter that's getting round on facebook, they're telling jokes like theres no tomorrow...

20-12-12, 22:03
lol, have you seen the News? They were going on about it. People were saying they're going to have the biggest party they've ever had etc because they're 100% convinced the world is going to end. And then everyone in my room laughed and said "Stupid people"

No offence or anything but they're going to look like right plonkers when nothing happens!

20-12-12, 23:13
The whole 21/12/12 scaremongering is due to western sensationalism hijacking the Mayan's 'end date' calendar. The Mayans themselves have stated that the 'end' of this calendar is merely the end of a time cycle and the beginning of another.They have said nothing whatsoever about an apocalypse or global calamity :shades:

Exactly! I think some of the newspapers are sensationalising this story, trying to make it sound scarier than it actually is!

21-12-12, 00:38
I'm alliiiiive

21-12-12, 01:15
i'm still a bit concerned even though I know it's all rubbish! :unsure:

21-12-12, 03:46
i have a good mind to complain about the reporting and sensationalising of this, for those of us with mental health problems there is nothing funny or journalistic about this. i just pray that no-one does anything silly or really suffers

21-12-12, 07:17
This is a good site for anyone worrying. http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html

Hope it helps.x

21-12-12, 09:56
I realise that this "event" has genuinely upset some people here, but I don't believe that the media can be held to ransom for the disproportionate reactions caused by our mental health issues to be fair....

21-12-12, 10:41
Look on the telly. Look around you. Notice a trend? Nobody is panicking except people on this forum.

People are laughing it off as a joke elsewhere.

I spoke to a friend yesterday and was saying the reason I find this one worrying is because there is so much media coverage. His reply was he hadn't actually heard anything about it until i'd told him. Then I realised - everything, literally EVERYTHING i've read about this doomsday thing has been on the internet. All of it through twitter, google etc. And i've actively gone looking for it too.

Ask yourself the question - If for the last 2 weeks you'd had no access to the internet, would you actually know that tomorrow was a predicted 'doomsday'? It sort of coincides with the whole googling symptoms thing. Ie thinking your symptoms are various diseases that you didn't know existed until you googled them.

Tomorrow will pass, it'll be a long day for some on here because as i know, you can reassure someone with 100% solid facts as much as you like, but it won't take away that lingering worry in the back of your mind, the 'what if?' aspect of catastrophic thinking. But in terms of the keeping your kids home/off school - Don't. Keep as much normality as you can, it's Christmas in a few days and there is probably so much to do. Like my mum says - everytime you think about googling, don't. Every time a thought pops in to your head, give yourself a task, anything. Just do what you can to pass the time and to keep yourself busy.

And just remember this, we are all sufferers of anxiety. We are the only people worried. Your next door neighbour will be going about their business as normal tomorrow, and will have a perfectly happy day.

One more day left and then they'll set a new date and we can all worry about that one instead :)
Well said! This post has genuinely calmed me down! Thank you!

21-12-12, 15:48
I realise that this "event" has genuinely upset some people here, but I don't believe that the media can be held to ransom for the disproportionate reactions caused by our mental health issues to be fair....
No, we have to take responsibility for ourselves.

I have learned that anxiety will only take us over if we allow it to. It cannot win if we show determination and confidence no matter what it throws at us.

I would never minimise the fears of another human being, having burned in anxiety hell for years myself, but I am saddened and disappointed in the number of people who are still posting about their fears of the world ending.

Not one person has produced any kind of rational argument FOR the end of the world, and there is no definition of what "the end of the world" means.

I'm sorry to say that people who allow themselves to become so frightened by something so ridiculously transparent as the world's 10,000,000th prophecy of destruction, are not showing any of the character required to get better from their anxiety.

We cannot blame the media for our anxiety; we can only blame ourselves for letting their bullshit get into our heads, though blaming anyone is ultimately counter-productive. Why are we looking for excuses? The time to act has been upon us ever since the anxiety started to take root; there has never been a time for excuses.

It's time for people to step up and take responsibility for their own fears. You can either own your life, or fear WILL own YOU. This is the simple choice ALL of us have been called on to make, and you can hide from it if you want - go ahead, the rest of us will make a choice, and that choice will be recovery.

In the words of Muse, "I choose to strive".

You have all been given the gift of life. What will you do with this gift?

EDIT: If you think that's harsh, don't make me laugh. Your anxiety is utterly without mercy - what is harsh compared to that?

EDIT 2: By the way, zero hour for today is long past. And it's stopped raining. There is a lovely sunset. And the Mayan Calendar actually ended 6 months ago in realtime, since their calender did not predict we would invent leap years in the first mellennium AD. Hmm...

23-12-12, 00:04
Funny how nobody who was freaking out about the end of the world is posting any more. Either they're still hiding in the bunker, or they were spirited away in the Rapture... :ninja::sly:


23-12-12, 00:32
Even though we know by reasoning and science that the end of the world will take place very far in the future, why is it that we continue to dwell on that topic? are we more predisposed to it than people who do no have anxiety? if so, what can we do about it?

23-12-12, 14:02
well we r all still here lol

23-12-12, 16:02
We are still standing lol... :D

23-12-12, 16:42
Hello everyone, is this heaven because all I can see are angels on here.:noangel:

Ok...so what's next on the agenda to find to worry about?:unsure: Let's see...health, finances...I know, Christmas.:scared15:

why is it that we continue to dwell on that topic?

Maybe from our point of view, we despair at the world we live in and the lives we feel forced to lead when living should be about so much more such as caring about those in need and finding enjoyment in life.