View Full Version : pounding heart & aching in left arm

12-12-12, 12:24
Hi everyone,

I received some good news this week that my 24-hour ECG was clear! :)
I have been quite worried about the results following chest pains and palpatations and this has put my mind at rest. I am about 2 weeks in to a course of 40mg beta blockers which are working well.

I have been eating healthy for the past 6 weeks and lost about 1 and a half stone in that time (mainly from worry and lack of appitite) I am overweight so this has been good for me as I previously was not eating very well.

As a result of gettting the all clear, I decided to have a very unhealthy treat, a lamb doner kebab, which I eat at about 9.30pm last night. I fell asleep at about midnight and woke up at around 5.00am with my heart pounding hard and fast along with a aching in my left arm (bycep). This aching has continued throughout today in both my chest and arm.

Do I have anything to worry about?:weep:

12-12-12, 12:27
It could be nothing but no-one on here can say yes you are fine as with chest pain and an aching arm you should really seek medical attention.

12-12-12, 14:26
Agree with Nicola, if you're really concerned, see your Doc.

Although your ECG obviously should put your mind at rest that it's nothing major.

I saw my Doc on Monday about the discomfort / pains in my left chest / underarm / upper arm area.

He could find nothing wrong and as I feel "burpy" when the pain is worst he suggested it could be stomach acid related and gave me a prescription for a drug to reduce the acid.


13-12-12, 11:24
Hi guys,

I took your advice and visited the A&E yesterday for more blood tests and ECG. Both came back clear :)

The doctor will be referring me for a stress test which will be running on a treadmill and overseen by a cardiologist to put my mind at rest. He also suggested some CBT so will see if that helps.

I am still not feeling 100% but better than yesterday.

I hope you are both in good spirits - thank you!


13-12-12, 13:55

I'm happy for you that the tests are coming back OK.
