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View Full Version : Mole and smear test

12-12-12, 14:58
I have had a mole on my back for years but never really paid any attention to it.

Today I noticed it and it started to worry me. My husband told me that it has not changed in the 6 years he has known me. I never looked closely but I managed to take a photo today and I didn't like the look of it. It is only 2mm so not growing.

I also have a smear test tomorrow. Ages ago I had an abnormal smear which turned out to be hormonal due to having a baby just weeks before but the new guidelines says they have to test every 6 months until 3 come back clear I think. My last one 5 months ago was normal but I am still petrified.

I am due to get those results back on my daughters birthday :( I also have a GP appointment on Friday to change my depression meds so I will ask him to check my mole out then.

I keep worrying that if my smear is abnormal or my mole is suspicious it will ruin my christmas. I want a happy xmas with my husband and my kids but I just don't see how that is possible.

I keep telling myself that I am an adult and I will deal with whatever will come with strength. If it is cancer then I will find inner strength and fight!! It works for a while lol

12-12-12, 16:38

Just remember its your anxieties and your mind is playing tricks with you. I do it all the time.
Your mole and smear test will be fine try and relax i know its so hard.

Good Luck

13-12-12, 19:02
Thank you.

Smear test is done! results back in time for Christmas!

Mole check tomorrow.

I am too tired with a cold to worry much today.