View Full Version : please help me

12-12-12, 15:24

I am in a really bad place right now. Maybe to someone reading, it won't look as bad, but I have been ok for so long that I now don't know what to think or how to deal with this. I also think I don't write my posts very well, I try to explain every little thing cause I want people to understand so they could relate and reply but maybe I just overdo it or maybe it's just me :-( I sometimes really need someone to relate desperately and get nothing...

I have posted recently and after my last post been hopefully waiting to hear from anyone as I am losing it I feel but nothing.. I wake up in the night feeling dread, like something is so wrong with me. I was feeling very undefined, just not right, I am now feeling very sore back and ache across my abdomen, it's all the way across my waist and all the way up at the back, even if I press it feels tender, both sides as well, over ribs... I also feel bloated. And it's just feeling uncomfortable and makes me feel very restless, I am having to seat through a training all day today and I am finding it very difficult. I have been thinking about my temperature again and wishing I could take it now although I managed for a few days not to. I called the Dr today and she was like oh it may be indigestion. But it feels sore when visit, move, press... it does feel superficial but I am so scared it's kidneys or urinary infection or spleen or something... help me don't know what to do or think anymore...

13-12-12, 11:22
It turns out I could be having a urinary tract infection. I was panicking all day yesterday about how I feel and just couldn't take it and had to see out of hours GP. She checked my urine and it had some protein and white cells. She said that this could be explained other ways as well but considering I don't feel ok she gave me antibiotics. I feel really depressed and freaked out a out it. I started taking the med, but I feel doom. Besides back and rib sides pains I feel period type pains and just bloated in that area... and just restless...has anyone had UTI and felt this way? I feel so alone, i am keeping all this in and tryinv to work and volume around without being able to tell anyone how I feel and this is the only place I can open and let my fears out, please if there is anyone that can relate to this, it would mean the world right now cause I feel I am sinking...

13-12-12, 11:30
Hi i suffer frequent uti's and they always knock me off my feet, they send my anxiety soaring and i always feel like death, im currently on antibiotics now for one but at the weekend i felt so ill i thought i was dying, my back and stomach ached which is a common symptom and my anxiety was sky high which my doctor says is also a symptom as old people go loopy as she put it when they get uti's, get lots of rest and i hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx

13-12-12, 11:30
I'm sorry you don't feel well. Glad you went to the Doctors. Try to relax, and let the medicine take care of the infection. Hope you feel better soon. :)

13-12-12, 17:51
Hi Mila, i'm really glad you posted. it's good that you've been able to share on here. really dont worry about whether your posts are written well or not. it isnt about writing well or wording things the best way. it's about sharing & you have shared - that's the important thing. half the time on here i just ramble on. i'm sure i'll end up with a reputation for saying masses & masses..... but i suppose i just say it as it goes through my mind. i just come out with all sorts of things. everyone's different i suppose & some people write shorter posts. but it's good that we are all different. we're all individuals and you are too. there's no problem with that.
i'm sorry to hear that you are in a really bad place, that's very unpleasant for you. i'd say try not to worry about other people thinking your situation won't look as bad. the thing is your experiences are troubling you and that is what matters. whats good is that you recognised you were having difficulties and in doing that you found a way of dealing with it. as it happens, i'm not an expert on health matters but i'm sure that you have done the right thing - going to the docs and getting something for your infection. as panicky me said, Try to relax, and let the medicine take care of the infection. hopefully soon you'll be feeling much better again. from my limited experience of such things..... i know that UTI's can in some cases make people anxious & affect them generally as any infection would i suppose. so that has probably contributed to your feelings about being in a bad place. i had a kidney infection years ago and that was very painful. i had no idea what it was until it was getting better but would if it happened again. anyway i'm pleased you are being looked after & hope that everything's going to calm down for you now.

13-12-12, 23:35
Thanks guys for your posts, it means a lot.
I am almost scared to think i am feeling better, as soon as I thought that I started feeling aches again :-(
Nicola,(if you read this:)) do you ever feel aches down low that feel sort of heavy, a bit similar to period pains but with a heavy feeling?
And to be honest I feel things just keep happening to me. This evening my son was waving a paper he drew on and poke me in the eye. I can't see anything in my eye and it doesn't even look red, but it feel like i have something in it and it is really very annoying and at times feels terrible, it starts to water as well. There is nothing there, probably paper scratched me. I can't believe i am so unlucky...
Last friday I started feeling unwell, maybe the UTI started then, so I missed the Christmas party at work. Last year i got a stomach bug and had to leave the Christmas party after an hour cause i started vomitting. Few months ago we were organising a team meal at work, and I got sick on that exact day and ended up not going. Few weeks ago also, it wasn't me though that time, it was my son. And tomorrow we are suppose to have team Christmas dinner and now if my UTI feels better I will still have to go feeling like crap with a watery eye and I still wonder what else could go wrong... it is kind of starting to make me feel superstitious about the whole thing.

14-12-12, 00:27
Here's me sitting here having really awful anxiety and DP and just realised
from reading these posts why I feel so bad, I've had the feeling you talk about
Mila the heavy down below feeling, it's felt that bad that I was comparing it to
when I was pregnant and the baby's head was low down in the pelvis....also
Been like this for few weeks the pains in my back and down in my groin and
up in the night going to the toilet constantly but only doing small wees
My body aches and I just feel so ill, I have some urine testing sticks( that are for my son)
but have been testing my wee on/off for past few weeks and its got protein, ph is very high and white blood cells but the strange thing is this in not every time I've tested my wee
Went to GP Tuesday and she's given me 6 tablets 3 days of trimethoprim, still feel awful so going to have to go back
Nicola what you said about UTI making people more anxious I really do think this is what's wrong with me

14-12-12, 13:43
Manda I am sorry you are feeling this way to, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I guess it's easier to cope ifyou can share with someone going through similar feelings. Now when I think about it it does feel like that, baby head low down, it's like a heavy pulling down achey feeling. I am on the same antibiotics they gave you, got 2 tabs left.
My eye is feeling better, I must say that, it was a really bad experience. But I feel pretty rubbish other than that, I got a bit of a cold too, with sore throat, annoying dry thickly cough and congestion, what feels like ice pick headache, when u get this lightning pain in one spot, I have been in some training at work again this morning and the room was boiling so my face still feels like it's on fire and I worry I got temperature now plus I had a head zap when it feels like you brain is sort of squeezed for a few seconds and been feeling woozy since and my eyes feel heavy. Well there you go. I mean what more could be wrong with me... i get overwhelmed with fear at moments :-(