View Full Version : Out of my comfort zone!

12-12-12, 17:05
Ok here goes nothing as I make my first attempt to not only step from my comfort zone of allowing the world around me to know my demons, but to also reach out for help.
Panic disorder has been a part of my existence as long as I can remember. I have watched my mother suffer from this depilating condition my entire life. Now at 31 it has become a part of who I am.
Funny thing is I remember always looking at my mother as my hero, yet the burning feeling to never want to be like that. Is this awful, well makes me feel it is, however if you knew why maybe it wouldn’t be. To this day she is confined primarily to her home; she has not drove in almost ten years and has no desire to. As a child we could not stand in a line at the grocery for she would literally hyperventilate from the people. The list goes on and on, and as an adult myself I have now come face to face with the harsh reality of feeling her same fears. Although mine has not taken over my life in the aspect that I cannot be social or drive or leave my home, it has taken over in my relationships with my boyfriend, children, family, work etc. Since my father passed away from cancer in November of 2009 I have experienced such panic attacks that literally leave me shaking, teeth chattering and the feeling as if I am going to die or go crazy.
As a huge stickler on not medicating myself past oblivion I have fought very hard to keep my sanity and get past these attacks. This being said they have now gotten so bad due to my stressful situation I am now going through that I am turning to this page for support and having second thoughts of seeing the doctor again after all. I am curious if any of you experience these the way I do,
Severe shaking, teeth chattering, uncontrollable crying, mind racing thoughts, uncontrollable doubt and fear, chest pain, chest tightening, tingling in my arm, feeling that I can’t take a deep breathe. There are days I feel like I am rushing, as if inside my body is rushing so fast, when really I am in no hurry at all. This all in turn usually comes out in anger. I can’t control my thoughts my doubts when in these attacks happen, I become frustrated and lash out. I eventually run from these doubts and have ruined many relationships in the path. I also experience severe headaches in turn from these. Let me point out one thing though these attacks they literally come on for absolutely no apparent reason. I can be just waking up, playing a game, taking a shower, it does not matter what it is. They are far worse when a situation takes place I have to deal with but they have become so bad that just thinking about one will send me into it.( hints writing this I have been in one since L)
I am a very determined, strong willed person and I refuse to allow anything to take over my life, however experiencing these I can see just how quickly this could become out of control. I would appreciate all the advice, or kind words of hope I can get. Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read my story.

12-12-12, 17:11
I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this and the symptoms you describe I could have written myself except that I am more likely to just cry and cry than get angry. Medication does help and also counselling. I really think you should go to your doctor to discuss this with him. :hugs:

12-12-12, 17:34
:welcome: to the site, and well done on taking a great first step xxx

I share many of the symptoms you describe, though I have been on and off of antidepressants now for 17 years (currently on). That makes it seem like they aren't working :wacko: but that's not the case - they have always worked for me, they may not 'cure' me, but they make things a little easier. I am in the process of finding out if I can be helped with therapy (I've been through the process a couple of times and not gotten anywhere, but there's still hope).

Medication isn't for everyone, therapy isn't for everyone - only you know how far you are prepared to go and in what direction. Coming on here and sharing your story is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to start. Everyone on here is so friendly, caring and helpful, and they will not judge you at all.

I second what Annie says - share how you feel with your doctor xx

12-12-12, 18:32
Hi! And welcome :)
You are certainly not alone. I have been dealing with panic/anxiety disorder for almost 11 years and agoraphobia for nearly 3 and I'm only 30. I can understand what you mean about your mother, not that I went through it with mine but that I am a mother of 2 and I wonder how they think of me and if they will one day go through this horrible mess. All of the symptoms you are describing are normal of panic sufferers. I go through good days and bad days/weeks at times. Some days I can drive into town no problem and others I cant go anywhere. I take no medication except for lorazepam to help me calm down during an attack, I tried the antidepressants and they weren't for me. I have tried therapy and it wasnt for me either, however I am about to try a new approach with cognitive behavioral therapy via skype (since I cant actually get to the office). I myself have been going through a very rough patch the last couple of weeks and tend to forget that this is just panic and it's not going to hurt me. It is very easy to feel like your spirraling out of control and very easy to do so in this situation. What you have to know and realize and tell yourself is, Everything I am feeling is just an over exaggeration of fear and stress. What am I afraid of? Obviously it's how your feeling but none of the symptoms while uncomfortable are harmful. Just try and always remember this. Sometimes when you feel it coming on just shout out loud STOP or even in your head. Try to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts like I've done this before and it's never hurt me and it's not gonna hurt me now. And be patient :) Please take my advice and don't do as I and let this stop you from going places. If you have a spell while your out just take a minute to yourself and say I can do this anywhere! If I can get past one at home I can get past one wherever I am. When you start avoiding it gets hard to break that cycle. Good Luck to you and know that you are never alone.:hugs:

12-12-12, 19:22
Thanks ladies for all of your kind words. It is very comforting to know that with just a tiny step outside the box I can see so many people who actually relate to what I am dealing with. Taking all of your adivice into consideration and thinking it is deff. time I see the doctor for a little help in controlling these bouts when they occur. Thank you all again.