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View Full Version : Deep vein thrombosis

23-08-06, 17:23
i am so stressed and scared about this and i am so glad i found this place! I have just finished doing uni exams, and i know i have been very very stressed about them (I had to retake them because last time i did them i couldnt revise due to panic attacks). 2 weeks ago i hurt my knee and now i am convinced i have deep vein thrombosis, which has been made 10000x worse by googling it. Everyone seems to have it!
I have had a pain in my right leg for 2 weeks now, since i hurt my knee, but the past couple of days the pain has moved up my leg, across the bottom of my back and up my neck, and i get a cramp type feeling when i walk. I went to the drs yesterday and he said it was just pulled a muscle, i wasnt convinced so i went to a different one this morning and he said the same. Both said it wasnt DVT. That doesnt stop me being scared though. I keep thinking that i missed out telling him something that would make a difference. I am so scared that im going to die and i know that sounds horrible, but i am terrified =(

23-08-06, 18:06
Hi Vicky please calm down!!! I have had a dvt and a pe(blood clot in lungs) and the symptoms you describe are not dvt. A dvt would be in your leg and it would be hot too touch and throbbing.They do not move around and if they do they cause a stroke!!! Please stop worrying as i can promise you that you will be fine take care luv kaz

23-08-06, 18:11
I can relate to that symptom soooooo much!!! The worse thing i did was of course, google! dotn google, number 1 rule!
my therapist said its cos i sit too much and dont walk alot, which i could relate to, but didnt believe. I tried to cut the garden lawn, only when i walked my leg felt crampy and tight, thought it was going to lock into a certain position. I realised i probebrly was a little stiff.

Anyhow, i kept busy and got really focused on re decorating my room and boom, no pains! if i think about it, guarentee 10 mins later im in pain again! do you spend a lot of time sitting? hows your posture?
Do you tend to lean to one side when your stood or sat? all these couls bring on cramps and pains.

your neck isnt connected to your leg! another classic symptom of stress and anxiety is muscle tension, and thats exactly whats happening here, your stressed and 'uptight' because of your leg that your creating more tension. ive had this too, it caused me sooo much anxiety, but relaxing and hot flannels/wheat bags can easily release this tension.keep busy and try hot relaxing baths. followed by relaxing nights.
Hope this helps
Becci x

23-08-06, 19:13

please dont panic, i had a dvt and what u describe dosn't sound like it, its bloody agony, i could hardly walk sometimes, i had the pains for a month before mine was diagnosed, if u r worried the main thing my dr told me to look out for was 1)pain 2) the way the leg felt, ie is it harder to touch 3) and the way it looks- get a mirror and look at at your legs, when u have a clot the leg swells, but also remember that every1 has 1 leg a bit bigger than the other.

u will be fine,
leanne xxx

i just wanna feel normal

24-08-06, 11:54
Thank you for everyones replies, it has helped a little. It still seems like everyone has had a dvt, although i keep forgetting there are other factors that have probably contributed to it. I am overweight and that is my biggest factor, but i dont know.
In reply to wannabeloved, i have been stitting around a lot recently because i have been revising but i have done that with all my exams and this has never happened before. The only thing i can think of is that i was sleeping on two pillows instead of one for a couple of nights and this may have done it.
I do feel a bit better now, but another pain developed last night, i have a pain on the front of my thigh that comes and goes and hurts sometimes when you touch it. I dont know if youre supposed to be able to but i can see the veins in my thighs sometimes and that is where it seems to hurt, ontop of the veins.
Argh im doing my own head in worrying so much [Ugh]

24-08-06, 12:35
This is why i didnt believe my therapist when she said its because i sit alot, because all the previous times id been sitting around it never bothered me! i thought id explain my pain a little better, i did write a post/thread on here, explaining aswell.

The pain i get is between my groin and my knees, all that are feels tight and sore, i get a cramp like feeling in the back of my thigh and my front and to touch if feels like theyre going to cramp up and just cease! Its not a nice feeling. Id sit in bed with a hot water bottle and pray to god the pain would go.
The more i thought about it, the more it hurt and the more i was afraid. its a viscious cycle.
Hope this helps.
Becci x