View Full Version : Leaukemia

23-08-06, 17:55
Hi all,
Having beaten all my "previous cancers", I have now convinced myself
I have Leaukemia !!
Have mild discomfort top left abdomen(swollen spleen) although it is
sometimes felt on the right(swollen liver) great !!
Also my forearms feel tight, like I'm having my blood pressure
taken.Also feel that the joints in my hands are sore(great, another sym)
Does anyone else get this or muscle aches ???
Haven't been to the docs for 4 weeks and am determined to stop
pestering him.Can anxiety give you the above symptons ?



23-08-06, 18:13
hi Nigel, :)

I know how you feel, I am always convincing myself that I am really ill, I can never have just a cold, or bad back or bad head...its always something life threathening. Its so hard to suffer with this, I know.

as for your question about can anxiety give you these symptoms, Anxiety has given me and probably everyone else on here symptoms that we never thought it could. I have had the discomfort in the abdomen, on both sides, and thought exactly the same as you.

I have also had the tightness in my arms, well it was only my left arm, but it lasted for days, and I was convinced I had got heart problems, then i got a headache, and my arm went back to normal and I started worrying that i had got something wrong with my brain.

I suppose if we are feeling anxious, then it can cause tension in any part of the body, and the more we think about it, the worse it seems to feel.

I am sure its your anxiety that is making you feel like this.

Try and relax, but if you want to go to the doctors , then do it, thats what they are there for... Does your doctor give you any help with your anxiety by the way..

Take Care


xx ;)

S N Mayson

23-08-06, 18:25
*************Hi all,
Having beaten all my "previous cancers", I have now convinced myself
I have Leaukemia !! *************

congrats on beating all of your previous cancers! how many have you beaten? i think ive beaten 4 :D

*******Have mild discomfort top left abdomen(swollen spleen) although it is
sometimes felt on the right(swollen liver) great !!*********

ive had this.

*******Also my forearms feel tight, like I'm having my blood pressure
taken.Also feel that the joints in my hands are sore(great, another sym)
Does anyone else get this or muscle aches ???*******

i think your safe mate! anxiety is such a pain, it can affect almost, if not all of our body part, and soe parts we didnt know we had!!!

******Haven't been to the docs for 4 weeks and am determined to stop
pestering him.Can anxiety give you the above symptons ?*******

4 weeks! well done! but dont feel like your pestering him, its his job!
Becci x

23-08-06, 18:25
lol that went horribly wrong!! my reply is somewhere in the box thingy up there!

23-08-06, 18:28
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the reply. No I'm not on any medication, I want to beat this
anxiety without drugs-though alcahol helps !!
Am seeing a counsellor at the mo which is helping a little, I just need to
stop focusing on every little ache and pain(easier said then done) !!!
Google is the thorn in my side-I don't need to use it anymore, I know the
symptons to every major illness anyway due to googaling in the past !

Thanks again

Nigel x

23-08-06, 19:28
Hi Nigel,
I am the same at the moment, im getting my bloods tested tomorrow because im getting headaches, muscle/joint pain in hands & knees, feeling sick, tiredness & tonight im covered in bruises. Would happen night before my bloods wouldn't it:-(

You don't sound like you have leaukemia to me but if you are thinking it go to see your DR, I did and he is doing a full blood count to reassure us both. I am at the drs every week lately. I think ive had about 4 illnesses in a month;)

23-08-06, 23:12
I wouldn't try googling Leaukemia cos you might end up getting very worried. I think you've invented a completely new disease. Now thats some achievement.....

23-08-06, 23:38

Do these aches and pains go when you drink alcohol?


24-08-06, 10:32
Hi Nicola,

The aches come and go anyway, sometimes I don't notice them at all.
Its just alcahol relaxes me-like most people !


24-08-06, 19:02

The reason I asked was that I used to say to myself "if I still this bad after a few drinks then I really am ill". Like you I relaxed after a few drinks so had to accept that I wasn't really dying or the pain wouldn't just go like that it. It would be constant.

Maybe that can reassure you too


24-08-06, 21:11
Hi Nicola,
I do get reassurance, its just a short term fix. The pains I'm feeling
at the moment aren't constant. and of a scale of 1 to 10 there only
at about 1, its just my mind amplifies them, the googaling starts and before
you know it your convinced your dying!!
If I could destract my mind I would be sorted-hence the alcahol, the
need to distract is reduced and a feeling of calm begins.


Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 15:27
I have had the tight thing the other day like somot squeezin the blood down to my hand... thought *blood clot* then later it went away....when I read your post it came back!.... like I have heavy tight fingers and arm.....what are we like

06-09-06, 12:44
Oh my...
I have just "recovered" from a horrid tightness feeling in my left arm which went on for weeks (of course i was having a heart attack, especially when a pain in the jaw followed, which i now realise is a manky tooth needing attention!!!).
I've had every illness ever, BUT, i keep thinking something has got to kill me, so *perhaps* this is the thing! I've noticed that i've got splinter hemorrages in my finger nail - today i am too tired to worry about it and i can't get to the doc's until Friday.