View Full Version : Cancer worries

12-12-12, 20:10
I see a lot of people worried about heart attacks/breathing... anyone else especially scared of cancer... do you have any reasons you might be scared and do you still really believe you have cancer? I really am scared I actually do

12-12-12, 20:19
Oh yes! I don't care at all about heart attacks etc, even though many of my relatives had heart problems and died of them. I am only worried about cancer (my father died of cancer and since then I am phobic about it).
I believe I have cancer at least 3-4 times every year.

Right now I am petrified because I believe I have a gynaecological cancer, and unfortunately the doctor sent my tests with urgency, which makes me worry ten times more.

Have you lost someone who died of cancer too, or why do you fear cancer?

12-12-12, 20:26
I've lost a couple of people to cancer, but I think I'm extra scared of dying because I now have a baby and I keep imagining me dying and not being here for him and him not knowing me or knowing how much I love him... also I imagine my partner finding a new girlfriend and my son thinking she is his mummy... I'm so scared I wont get a chance to be apart of or influence his life, I'm sure I have cancer - I had aneamia in my last blood test!

12-12-12, 22:11
I often convince myself I "must" have cancer, even though a heart attack or stroke is much more likely for me (I have high BP controlled by meds) and even though in all cases where I have diagnosed myself with cancer, I have never had the usual symptoms, just relatively rare ones and sometimes no symptoms whatsoever.

I have been suffering with leg pain recently and instead of putting it down to sciatica, which I do suffer from from time to time, I have convinced myself it is some form of cancer.

I could go into the reasons why I reckon I am so scared of cancer all the time but it wouldn't help you, me or anyone reading this so I will refrain. In my more rational moments, I know I am being ridiculous but that doesn't help at 3 am when I am awake and worrying.

So sorry you are going through this too xxx

12-12-12, 23:17
I believe I have cancer I have major fatigue all the time,headaches,dizzy spells,digestive problems the list goes on,my most recent concern is that I've just had an upper abdominal ultrasound and my doctor rang me the day after for me to call in for the results which was scheduled for 5 days later I was convinced it was cancer news,he told me that the ultrasound picked up a hemangioma in my liver,even though he said its not cancer it's a hemangioma I'm convinced he's hiding the truth and that it is actually cancer I'm so scared x

13-12-12, 08:34
I believe I have cancer I have major fatigue all the time,headaches,dizzy spells,digestive problems the list goes on,my most recent concern is that I've just had an upper abdominal ultrasound and my doctor rang me the day after for me to call in for the results which was scheduled for 5 days later I was convinced it was cancer news,he told me that the ultrasound picked up a hemangioma in my liver,even though he said its not cancer it's a hemangioma I'm convinced he's hiding the truth and that it is actually cancer I'm so scared x

I don't think doctors hide the truth to patients in that way, to be honest!
If he says hemangioma I'm sure that is what it is!:bighug1:

14-12-12, 03:07
I believe I have cancer I have major fatigue all the time,headaches,dizzy spells,digestive problems the list goes on,my most recent concern is that I've just had an upper abdominal ultrasound and my doctor rang me the day after for me to call in for the results which was scheduled for 5 days later I was convinced it was cancer news,he told me that the ultrasound picked up a hemangioma in my liver,even though he said its not cancer it's a hemangioma I'm convinced he's hiding the truth and that it is actually cancer I'm so scared x

I had a hemangioma discovered on my liver too and I'm also scared that it's really cancer as the radiologist put it's most likely a hemangioma on my report not that it actually is one. But my doctor seemed happy that I didn't need any further investigation.

14-12-12, 11:21
Hi Sade's , I'm a mum and my youngest is 3 and I think most of us mums must think about this situation, and I too have worried myself stupid about being ill & dying leaving my kids!

Yesterday evening after school run I had a phone call from my mum, bad news. My auntie went for an ordinary routine breast screening scan , no symptoms. Anyway no ther way of putting this but, she has to have her boob completely removed! And lymp node. Gutted!!!!!! shes fine my mum says although, she thinks she's in shock. So my mind worrying and also on hyperdrive.
I hope to god she's alright, she such a lovely auntie, my others are awful. Anyway back to you and others that worry including myself - last night I just thought gosh this is a lesson to me ~to stop bloody worrying about the ifs and maybes and enjoy my life you never know and cancer is wired, some have symptoms, others don't. BUT for now I'm gonna try and enjoy my life with my kids and use this situation to embrace the time I've got with my kids and stop worrying and wasting my thoughts, my time with my kids and my energy about ~ what could happen.

Having said that these thoughts can grip you and i understand , here to talk anytime :winks: