View Full Version : Fight for your life

12-12-12, 23:06
As it says......Fight For Your Life!!

Just thought i'd pop back and remind people that i have recovered from Anx and Agoraphobia, it is a fight but one that you can win as i have.

You have to believe it can be overcome, i suffered panic attacks on and off for 21 years, agoraphobia entered my life back in 2007, was the most terrifying thing ever that frightened the life out of me.

I was determined to take control of my life again.........which is what i did, i don't fear anx or panic anymore, you have to believe it can be done and know that the old life is still available.

Losing the fear of panic attacks is the key...........sounds simple, believe me it was the hardest journey of my life, but one i won and so can you.

No matter how small the achievement to you, it will be massive in the long run, small steps, keep going out and don't let your own mind be the barrier to the road to recovery.

Never lose hope and always stay with the fight.

best wishes

di xx

12-12-12, 23:09
Thank you for your post, it is good to read success stories, gives us all hope :)

12-12-12, 23:14
Spot on Di - I totally agree.

Thanks for posting

Pip xx

13-12-12, 10:16
Well done.

Baggs xxx

16-12-12, 19:04
Great post, thank you :) x x

17-12-12, 18:42
This is a wonderful post to read Diane. I am on the road to recovery from my agoraphobia and panic disorder. Did you experience many set backs? I have such trouble staying at a level of recovery, I feel like I slip back so easily and back into my ways of panic when I am out of the house.