View Full Version : Sleep

12-12-12, 23:45
Hi I'm suffering from health anxiety and have been for almost 2 years and my question is does anybody have the symptom of sleeping so deeply at night that nothing wakes them up then in the morning when they do wake up it takes them about an hour to come round properly,the thing I find aswell is no matter how much sleep I have I never feel refreshed from it,any feed back would be great Thanks,seanydee xxx

13-12-12, 05:49
Hi Seany,

That all sounds perfectly normal to me, especially in Winter when mornings are dark and the weather outside just makes us want to put our head back under the covers. How do you feel during the day, after you have "come round"? If you're a deep sleeper and it takes a lot to wake you up, no wonder you feel a bit dazed just after.

Have you tried one of those alarm clocks which replicate a sunrise, gradually filling your bedroom with natural-ish light like a proper dawn would? They do have a gentle alarm which goes off after the room is lit but I find I am already awake by the light and don't need the alarm sound. I've had one for a couple of years now and I think they're fantastic. Getting up is much easier and I feel much more awake in the mornings. I would recommend anyone look into getting one as it really has made a big difference.

13-12-12, 11:10
Yes! Me!!

My psych reckons that it is a symptom of depression, though I don't have depression as such (just I guess my anxiety must make me a little depressed).

But I think it has to do with my mind is racing, worrying and overthinking all day from the minute I wake til the minute I lay down that it is exhausted and NOTHING wakes it lol.

13-12-12, 14:53
Hi Seanydee - I'm like that. its so hard to wake myself up it's unbelievable. could have written your post myself. keep telling myself to go to bed earlier but it makes no difference. worse in winter too. if i've been a bit inactive (not going for walks during the day, even short ones that is) then its worse. getting out for fresh air even for say 20 mins will make some difference. when it gets to about 9.00 i'm shutting down already...! i've got one of those alarm clocks which replicate a sunrise.... it does work well actually. its is nice not having a dark room. its necessary to respond to the light though (dont do what i seem to end up doing, trying to avoid the light & go back to sleep...... now that IS definitely depression talking.... the whole "cant face the day thing"). so you do have to push yourself to get up & get on. if i do that then i dont feel as dozy. hope this helps!