View Full Version : Physical effects of anxiety

13-12-12, 02:17
Hi all,

I've been reading the forum for a while but signed up today...mainly because I'm at my wit's end really. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place so apologies if this is the wrong bored. I've had a sickness phobia for about 12 years, was v bad about 12yrs ago but managed to get back to about 80% normal functioning over a couple of yrs using hypnotherapy.

All was good until about 5yrs ago, I got very ill, Drs put it down to anxiety and it took about 3yrs to actually get my physical health sorted out. For the last 5yrs I've barely been out, can't be left alone due to anxiety, don't socialise at all etc, I was unable to get to work so now work from home. Unfortunately I have 2 chronic conditions which can cause nausea and anxiety and I'm well aware that having a sickness phobia can cause psychosomatic nausea however...

...I'm trying to 'get better' but it seems like I don't have any real control over it. On 'good days' I do better because I'm lucky enough to feel a bit better physically, when I feel rough then the anxiety is worse and I feel unable to do anything (because I feel so physically ill). So it's just a vicious circle that I don't know how to break.

I'm desperate to get better and have tried a variety of therapies but I'm not making any real progress. Guess I'm signing up to chat with other people who are being held back by anxiety and panic attacks and hopefully so I won't feel so alone. It's kind of scary to be up at 2am every night unable to sleep wondering how the hell you're going to sort your life out :blush:

Anyway, if you managed to get this far thanks for reading and if anyone has any tips for recovery/survival they are very welcome :D

13-12-12, 02:43
---------- Post added at 07:43 ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 ----------

Hi Lost,
Well done on coming out here!
I am 3 hrs ahead but wanted to go on Nmp first thing as it makes us a massive difference when you are not looking at your morning anx out of your box. There are so many great stories and experiences that help me personally enormously to look at my panic and anx from a different perspective. The moment we can look at your "anx and other health issues" from a differrnt angle, we feel half different - more free from it holding us back.
Feeling great after feeling very low and ill is so possible.
I wish you to successfully ise other peoples experiences to help yourself to get what you want from your life back.
Take care

13-12-12, 20:51
Thanks Thumbalina. Trying to keep a positive attitude and hope that the New Year brings some new beginnings!!

15-12-12, 20:09
Dear Lost,
Im new aswell and joined as was always browsing! Im sort of in the same boat as you at the min. I think by using this site we will both find a way of dealing.

Suzi xx

15-12-12, 20:13
Hi and welcome, I am sure you will find lots of support here, we are all in the same boat x