View Full Version : New on here with Anxiety and OCD

13-12-12, 09:34
Hi I am new on here and up to now not wanted to introduce myself because of my OCD thoughts.

I have been diagnosed with GAD and OCD that i thought was Pure O but my therapist says there is compulsions as well.

My main problem at the moment is anxiety and i have been so worried about anything and everything from the world ending to health and it's is stopping me from enjoying life. Previous to this my anxiety focussed mainly on health and i thought i had just health anxiety.

If the Anxiety calms down then the OCD thoughts become more of a problem. I have wanted to talk to someone for so long but had OCD thoughts telling me not to post on here so have been scared to do this.

Most people do not know i have these conditions and probably appear happy and fun to them as i can be but inside i am been tortured.

I pray for a bright future for me and my family but feel so humbled reading some peoples posts on here.

I am so worried at the time of writing this and hope to find support before my OCD makes me delete this post.

I would like to offer my support to others as well as so many people have similar issues i really feel for them.

Thankyou :)

13-12-12, 15:17
what anxieties are you having at the moment? Also which obsessions/compulsions are you having/ have had? ... and hello I'm also new here (since yesterday) - You're deffo not alone I'm having a tough time with both OCD and health anxiety at the moment

14-12-12, 01:29
In the same boat lovely :) x

Veronica H
14-12-12, 08:20
:welcome:to NMP Wayne. This is a friendly place with good information and support.

14-12-12, 12:21
Welcome to the forum, Wayne. You've found a good place to be.

14-12-12, 13:44
Welcome to the forums, Wayne. :) I've just replied to your PM. If you need any help, please ask.

14-12-12, 15:24

Welcome and you have my full support as well!

Sometimes the worst is just trying to keep up the happy face no
matter how crappy you feel inside. It helps that you can be honest with
someone! :hugs:

16-12-12, 17:37
Thankyou to everyone for your support
I really appreciate it.:)

05-01-13, 16:54
hey i am the same as u know so wud like to say hello and thanx for the this site x

11-03-13, 20:16
hey wayne its like me and you are living the same live hope we can both help each other out :)