View Full Version : Alzheimer's, brain worries again

13-12-12, 10:39
Hi I am 28 and posted a thread a few months ago as was sure I had Alzheimer's. That fear left and for a couple of months have been fine. Last night I went to a shop with self service and should have got 15 change. I woke up this morning with only 5 pound in my pocket. Now I have the horrible feeling back. How could I lose it from there to the car....did I pick it up.....etc. just feel like losing it over a really small thing. Need some assurance.

13-12-12, 11:08
My husband has lost money twice in the last 3 months! He doesn't have alzheimers.

I loose my keys nearly every morning and have to get my 3 kids to help me look for them - I don't have it either.

It is so easy to loose things, especially with anxiety your mind is always racing and thinking of things that it is so easy to lose track of what we are doing.

Try not to worry and over think things as it will just make you worse :)

13-12-12, 12:09
Thank you Samantha. I hate my health anxiety. I have just started another thread which shows how quickly it works through my brain.

13-12-12, 12:21
I was/am exactly the same. Damn our over worked, over thinking minds huh. Wouldn't it be nice to switch off for just a little while!

13-12-12, 12:31
I have the same worries, I am also quite young but I lose money near enough every week, I lose my phone and keys every day, I always leave my keys in the front door or leave the front door open and don't know ive done it untill someone else comes home and asks me why the door is open. I literally cant remember what i have done two seconds ago, gets very worrying.

13-12-12, 12:58
believe it or not :blush:it is your worying that makes you soooo forgetful:ohmy: your brain is soo overloaded by stress that it cannot cope with anything else.
best wishes

13-12-12, 17:38
hi willous. i am certain that worying makes you forgetful. if i'm stressed then i forget things more than normal. my doctor confirmed that to me recently because i've been through loads of stress this year. of course its natural to fear losing your marbles, but even when i was much younger than you i was forgetful too. i used to ride a motorbike & my jacket had so many pockets i was always finding money in there that i'd forgotten i had. i put things "in a safe place" and then never found them again. this was all before i was 20it's human nature. we forget things. it happens. really, really there is no point in winding yourself up over it. believe me there isnt.
Gotagetthroughthis, reading your comments.... I once left the front door wide open, came back 2 hours later after shopping & thought we'd been burgled. hmnn. Then there was the time my neighbour brought me the £5 i dropped on our path. or the time i went out and found the ignition keys in my motorbike which was parked on public view at the roadside..... or when i left my car window open & had a wet seat. oh and my boot wide open. i'm just scatty. that's me.
Well people, I tell you what, decades later and i still forget things..... but it just happens. you are young..... enjoy being young. find intersting & fulfilling things to fill your time with becasue you have years ahead of you and there is no point burdening yourselves like this. I'll tell you what, I wish i was 28 again. what i'd do to be able to wind the clock back 21 years...... I feel ancient sometimes and i'm much closer to the reality of fearing old age related stuff that you are.... so c'mon give yourselves a break!!
Oh, and to cap it all.... the other day..... i thought i had left a pair of shoes on my car roof & driven off & lost them. No, i had put them in the back of the car. but i couldnt remember even doing it. so..... for me there is no hope ha ha

14-12-12, 01:43
LOL Tessar!! I am ALWAYS putting things in a safe place - never to be found again :D

Willous - my hubby forgot to lock my car last night AND forgot to put the handbrake on after he drove it. And he is only 31 :)

14-12-12, 09:38
LOL Tessar!! I am ALWAYS putting things in a safe place - never to be found again :D

Willous - my hubby forgot to lock my car last night AND forgot to put the handbrake on after he drove it. And he is only 31 :)

you just have to see the funny side about these things..... i mean, i do take it seriously sometimes but even i have to laugh when i'm an idot. like the time recently i put all our carefully separated recycling into our normal bin & then had to pick it all out!

14-12-12, 10:13
:roflmao:I know Tessar!!

I always laugh to myself AFTER I have found my keys. I mean, why in the world do I bother calling hubby who is at work to ask if he knows where MY keys are to MY car?? LOL clearly he has enough of his own problems remembering things :yesyes:

14-12-12, 10:58
It is all the worrying that keeps all our brain cells too busy!
I put my childrens' passports in a "safe place". Didn't find them for ten months!:whistles:

29-01-13, 14:18
Just spoke to my partner and said can I speak to the children. I then asked her a minute later and she said they were in the bath. However I remembered saying Can I speak to the children but the first time cant remember what her response was? Does that make sense. So it's like she told me the first time but I completely forgot. So worried and panicking again. Actually feel like crying. All my fears come back. Has to be something wrong, cant just be concentration can it. Please help someone.

---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 ----------

Im really worried

---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

Can anyone help

29-01-13, 20:12
You are just anxious and stressed. I work with the senior population and we literally just had a program yesterday on warning signs for alzheimer's and dementia. You know what the take-home message was? Usually it is just stress!!

Here are the 10 warning signs from the Alzheimer's Association:

1. Memory loss that is so bad it disrupts daily life. Forgetting something like your own birthdate. Forgetting something here or there, every once in a while, is NOT a warning sign.

2. Challenges in planning/solving problems that are not normal for you. The example the woman gave was her father was an accountant for 30 years and all of a sudden he no longer was able to figure out how to pay a bill. It has to be that serious. Making occasional errors is NOT a warning sign.

3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks, such as not being able to find your way home. Again, making an occasional error or forgetting occasionally is NOT a warning sign.

4. Confusion with time or place, such as not knowing what season it is. If it is snowing outside and you think it is summer (as long as you live somewhere with that type of climate lol) then that might be a warning sign. Forgetting the day of the week or number of the date once in a while is NOT a warning sign.

5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships - such as seeing a dark mat on the ground and thinking it is a hole in the ground. Vision changes that are just like cataracts or blurry are NOT warning signs.

6. New problems with words or speaking - doing this occasionally is NOT a warning sign. Seriously. If it interferes with your life, then maybe.

7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps - this is extreme if it is a warning sign. Occasionally losing something is NOT a warning sign. People who have alzheimer's lose things and truly never can find them again. We see people often at work who misplace something and start accusing people of stealing from them because they honestly do not remember or think they could have misplaced it.

8. Poor judgment - giving away large amounts of money, for example.

9. Withdrawal from work or social activities - can be confused with depression though. If you forget how to do your favorite hobbies, this may be a warning sign. If you knit all your life and suddenly don't know how, for example.

10. Change in mood/personality - unrelated to other mental conditions or medical conditions.

Even then, even if you had those warning signs (Which you don't), the representative said most of the time they can be proven by something other than alzheimer's or dementia, such as a medical condition like an infection or thyroid problem.

I took that right out of the alzheimer's associaction pamphlet on my desk right now.

I hope that helps, please know you are ok :) I forget things a lot when stressed and anxious.

05-02-13, 15:15
Iv`e always been absent minded, & it drives me crazy! I`m forever misplacing things, & when I go out I`m always scared that I left the gas on, Or didn`t lock the door. I even had my gp do a quick memory check up on me, & she said I was fine. It`s probably hereditary, my mother was exactly the same.:doh:

06-02-13, 02:31
Things like this happen all the time, and I can assure you it most definetly not Alzheimers. It could simply be that you had been given the wrong amount and did not notice it! Or it could have fallen out or to the floor and you had not seen it. There are literally hundreds of possible explanations for the scenario, but our anxious minds always seem to look for the most shocking, frightening and (given your age, most improbable) of them all!

This may not have even been overthinking! It coud just be that you happened to be preoccupied with other, more important thoughts. Small things like the amount f change or where you happen to place something often tend to be forgotten almost immediately when your mind is on other things.

I am also pretty young and had these worries. I have been trying mindfulness meditation which has really helped both my anxiety and focus. Not to say it is the ultmiate cure for anxiety or anything, but I have defietly noticed my concentration go up and anxiety down. I would give it a shot.