View Full Version : Tooth extraction

13-12-12, 12:08

I have been having the worst morn ever. Just been to the dentist and they said I may need to have the bottom tooth extracted under sedation in hospital. I just want it fine there. I'm having an x ray tomorrow to see what needs to be done. I read a leaflet and it Said anesthetic may cause death. What the hell. I'm scared as it is. I have taken diazepam which hasn't helped. All over teeth. Haven't been this anxious or depressed in months and my partner is just angry with me for being dramatic. Really need some help or positivity.

13-12-12, 12:19
Can it not be done whilst you are awake at the dentist?

I had surgery 6 weeks ago and was terrified so I can understand exactly where you are coming from. Take a deep breath and think about things in a logic way.

---------- Post added at 23:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:18 ----------

Oh and they said you MAY need to have it done - try not to worry about it until you actually know xxx

13-12-12, 12:42
I know where your coming from, i had my tooth at the top back took out because of a crack, i got it done at the dentists though under anesthetic, i had one injected into the roof of my mouth and one injected in the gum where the tooth was getting took out and one at the other side of my mouth, i was worried aswell and i asked if its common to have an allergic reaction and they said very rare cases have been reported to have had problems with the anesthetic, so death couldnt be common with it or they wouldnt use it, all the dentist said to me was that it can cause a bit of an adrenaline rush.. shakey and heart beating fast but doesnt last for long, trust me you will be fine. I had my done in early pregnancy too and all is ok. Any advice or anything just feel free to message :) x

13-12-12, 12:52
Thanks you two. I had anesthetic the other day when had a filling for sane tooth and was fine. So hopefully will be okay. Who would have thought something so common and simple could cause so much worry

13-12-12, 13:42
Hi. I had my two bottom wisdom teeth out in hospital under general anaesthetic. I've been on anti anxiety pills and anti depressants for years. So the build up to going in hospital for me was a worry but afterwards I was like that weren't too bad. Just make sure you have got plenty of soup in the house.
The disclaimer forms you have to sign prior to the op is basically because we live in a sue culture.
Other than that you go in hospital, stick your robe on, they give you an injection so you don't feel or see anything, then afterwards wake up with teeth missing. They keep you afterwards until you drink a tea and have a pee. I went in at 6am and got picked up at 4pm.

13-12-12, 14:19
When you have had the dental work done, you will be wondering why you worried
so much, sending you hugs:hugs::hugs:

13-12-12, 14:40
Thank you everyone. And 'Magic', you have really cheered me up. No one I know understands.

Chris, did you have the option to have it done awake instead.

13-12-12, 15:56
That wasnt an option.

My bottom wisdom teeth were growing and trying to come up underneath the ones in front plus my teeth were impacted and no space. The procedure was not one I would want to be awake for. I had to have my jaw dislocated in the process.

I took the day after off work as holiday to recover but then went back. Overall it took about 2 weeks of ibuprofen and and a week of antibiotics.

I had my top 2 wisdom teeth taken out in the dentist surgery under local anaethestic.

The nurses were fantastic before and after during my hospital visit.

The reason i get worked up is because i google everything out of curiosity.

13-12-12, 16:13
Exactly what I have done Chris. Now I feel even worse. Will find out at 9.30 tomorrow if I can have it done at the dentists of not. Something to do with the roots being open plus the bone? My partner thinks I am being so silly. I want to take diazepam before I go but don't know if allowed.

13-12-12, 16:28
It is easy for me to say it in hindsight but I felt a right pratt afterwards. Seriously its nothing to worry about. I would rather do that again than go christmas shopping. You don't feel a thing during the procedure. You go to sleep then wake up and its done. The sedative probably takes a day or two to get out of your system. Your surrounded by doctors and nurses at all times and are in the best hands possible.

My pain threshold is low and the op was seriously nothing to worry about. Although I did make the nurse laugh. I turned away when she got the injection out. Then suddenly I went oooh ouch and tensed up. She then went dont worry I am only just dabbing your arm with wet cotton wool. I felt such a tit.

13-12-12, 16:38
Ha I am such a wuss thought. It's the thought of it that makes me sick. I have put off a hernia op because of it. It's not the pain.

14-12-12, 08:22
Been up all night feeling sick at even the thought of having the x ray this morning. I know how pathetic it is but I can't stop feeling like it. Does anyone have anthing that works with regards to dealing better with things like this. And probably will not be able to help but can I take diazepam before just Oscar they take it out then.

14-12-12, 10:16
I will be thinkinbg of you today Willous and waiting to see how you went (though I am off to bed soon as I am in Australia). Will check on you tomorrow.

As to if I know of anything that works to help dealing with things, not really. As anxious as I am, I try to put things into perspective as much as I can.

Exactly why are they thinking about pulling your tooth? Is it something that has to be done, are you in pain from it? Are you at risk by not doing it?

14-12-12, 10:52
Thanks for your reply. The tooth is dead so need it done. They just tried to take it out but it was too hard so now I am on antibiotics again for some reason. She said it will stop pain? They have now refereed me to the hospital but can take a month or so to hear back. She said I for not need to be put under and can have it done as normal. Are they allowed to lie about this or change there minds? They may have to cut into gum? I feel bad that I have to wait so long? Sean

14-12-12, 11:02
Ok, I have had 8 teeth taken out both in the chair and under a general.

If they can take it our for you normally they will. This would be such a common thing for them to do, no matter how anxious it is making you try to remember this.

If it needed to be done urgently, they would have done it straight away. My sister in law has a dead tooth that was giving her pain. They have given her antibiotics and told her it will need to come out eventually but she has been in no pain since the antibiotics and is in no hurry for it to come out (lucky her doesn't have health anxiety!). This was a good few months ago.

They won't lie to you, they are professionals and have to much at stake to be so careless and do this. Regardless of what you and I think, we are the ones with the anxious, irrational minds not the doctors/dentists etc.

Take each day as it comes, see what happens with the xray. This wont hurt or bother you so try not to be too anxious about it. Breath and try to relax!

14-12-12, 14:21
Thanks so much Sam. They did do the xray and 3 times she assured me it would be done the normal way. She even showed me the referral letter with the part ticked to say that it would be done through local anaesthetic. It makes me sick even typing that word. But as usual I never believe people. Thanks again. You have helped so much.

---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 ----------

Sorry again. They did not put a temporary filling in or anything and the tooth is barely there so if I have to wait a month or so does that sound right.

14-12-12, 14:50
I had a tooth extracted in hospital under general anesthetic because it was attached to the bone. I have had general anesthetic a number of times for various ops and never had a problem. I would much rather have a tooth out that way anyway then I don't know anything about it. It was over and done with quickly and I was home an hour later.

14-12-12, 15:15
Suppose. It's the build up more than anything Annie. Wondering whether to change it now to general. In pain still and have to wait so long.

14-12-12, 22:04
Hi everyone. Was in so much pain this afternoon so went to the emergency dentist who took it out in seconds. Would you believe it. He advised me to change dentists as they did exactly the wrong thing. So relieved it's done and thanks for everyone's help. My mouth is so numb :)

14-12-12, 22:13
Hi everyone. Was in so much pain this afternoon so went to the emergency dentist who took it out in seconds. Would you believe it. He advised me to change dentists as they did exactly the wrong thing. So relieved it's done and thanks for everyone's help. My mouth is so numb :)
So pleased you have got it over and done with :yesyes:

14-12-12, 22:38
Thanks Annie. So much relief on my part. As well as the pain I would have been in a constant state of worry. Never going to that dentist again. Was so easy in the end and becauseboffins the pain the injections were not too bad. Sean