View Full Version : Really bad headaches

23-08-06, 19:48
Can anyone help? Back in April had really funny turn-went really hot, heart racing & felt was going to pass out, this happened several more times over following weeks. Got really worried and ended up not sleeping and am now being treated with anti depressant called mirtazipine. Now i am still havng really bad headaches all day and episodes of going burning hot on face and neck as if going to pass out. Has anyone else experienced this? Headaches are really scaring me, and the hot flashes

23-08-06, 20:43
hi lyn hot flashes and headaches are all classic anxiety symptoms!!(unfortunatley!!!!lol)have you looked on nmp home page?if you click on anxiety it will give you a full list of the HORRIBLE SYMPTOMS.hope you feel better soon sorry i can,t be of any real help but just know knowing you,re not alone does help sometimes.feel free to pm me anytime
take care rachel x

24-08-06, 09:14
thank you Rachel. Just don't seem to see any end to this. Too scared to tell doc as think she will just increase dose of anti depressant and i want to get off them. She says the headache is just side effect of tablet or tension. Also had this lump on back of neck for ages that doesn't want to go down-had what they called base line blood tests and they were all fine so they are saying there is no need for any further investigations regarding any of my symptoms-just want to get back to normal!!!!!