View Full Version : debt

13-12-12, 13:19
my anxiety has lifted concerning my high cholestrol and heart attacks.
but now turned to the loan of £14.000 i owe as ive stated the bank are happy to except a token gesture at the moment but im being sick in the morning through worry and im not sleeping at all well at night the worry is so intense , my family are trying to calm me down by saying there are a lot of people in debt but that doesnt help my situation its making me very suicidal i am not coping well

13-12-12, 16:44
What are you worried about? The Bank are happy to accept a token gesture at the moment so leave it like that until you are in a better position to be able to pay more of the loan off. Concentrate on getting yourself healthy again so that you are able to return to work.
I was sick of paying bills off every month so I consolidated my debt into one single monthly payment. I'm paying back what I can afford but once things settle down a bit I plan to double-up and pay if off sooner. Most of us are in some kind of debt; I have a 30 year debt called a mortgage!! Big hugs - it will get better! xx

14-12-12, 09:13
im just worried that my anxiety will stop me getting back into work and the bank are gunna come down on me like a tone of bricks. when i was working it wasnt a problem but since ive got physically sick/ mentally sick i havnt been able to pay my monthly bill to the bank this has left me very very depressed and anxious .
the thought of going back to work at the moment is totally overwhelming me and making me feel very sick

14-12-12, 12:00
I can completely relate to your money problems. I was made "redundant" from my job after being off sick for 6 months and at the same time my husband was diagnosed with M.E. and had to reduce his work hours. We have a monthly bills that amount to £1,000 and have nowhere near enough money coming in to pay them.

Like you, the worry of this stops me getting better and getting back to work which then becomes a vicious circle. I've recently started trying to find work via freelancer.co.uk that I can do from home as well as selling handcrafted items online.

Give yourself permission to not let this take over your life - allow yourself 10 minutes a day to think through the problem but then no more. Problem solving skills are excellent in this situation - write down the problem and then a list of possible solutions, even if they are completely ridiculous, then score them from 1 to 10 - 1 being very possible and helpful and 10 for impossible and not likely. My counsellor taught me this and it does help to get your thoughts in order on paper.


15-12-12, 07:29
Assuming the Debt is unsecured then I really would not worry one bit. Worse case they pass it on to a debt agency. If that happens then due to your circumstances they will allow you to make small monthly payments. If your debt is owed to more than one company try using a debt managment plan. There is a goverment funded one called payplan, no fee's no monthy subscription all free. I used them a few years back when I had debt that i couldnt afford.. best thing I ever did, the pressure went and it gave me breathing space. If your debt is a secured debt then thats a different story, you may need professional help if things go ti*s up. Anyway dude, hope you get back on track soon.

15-12-12, 11:47
i presume it is unsecured its all to one bank so not spread all over the place , the bank have accepted the amount i have offered them.
it still doesnt seem to stop the viscous circle of worry , when i get a new job will i be able to handle the presure ? how will i get a new job?
ive really made a mess of 2012 i need to learn from it bigtime

15-12-12, 20:46
Can I ask dude, are you saying you have had a heart attack? or is it fear of one?

15-12-12, 22:18
feer of one my friend my cholestrol was so high i spent all day everyday with a heart attack phobia my cholestrol went from 20 !!! to 3.8 i have stoped my ocd of checking my pulse all the time aswell

15-12-12, 22:42
i presume it is unsecured its all to one bank so not spread all over the place , the bank have accepted the amount i have offered them.
it still doesnt seem to stop the viscous circle of worry , when i get a new job will i be able to handle the presure ? how will i get a new job?
ive really made a mess of 2012 i need to learn from it bigtime

Get your health back on track and get well enough to progress towards working in 2013 when your health is more stable.

Your debt is manageable. Don't sacrifice your health for anything. It is much harder to regain than money or any job.

Enrol on a course or evening class in the meantime. These are free if you are in receipt of benefits and make it easier for you to get a job if you can show that gaps in employment were spent on further professional, educational or personal development.

15-12-12, 23:18
I went through the "heart attack" phase, makes me wonder if its common. To be honest having that fear did me a favour.. it helped me get my health back on track, so see it as a blessing, not a curse... may sound odd, trust me on that one dude.