View Full Version : worry over silly things

13-12-12, 14:00
Hi all, been on antidepressants for 6 months, my anxiety is more manageable but still there at times. I am worrying about silly things, at the moment I am worried about being on the antidepressants and got it in my head that because I am a mum of 2 great kids that its wrong to need the tablets, I have always wanted to be a really good mum and think this is why it bothering me, can anyone relate or am I being silly I am hormonal at the min so not helping

13-12-12, 14:32
Surely by taking the tablets you're being a really good mum, because you want to mentally be as good as you can be.

If you're saying that because you have kids then you should be happy and stress free....well anxiety disorders don't work that way I'm afraid.

I could win the lottery and still be just as ill, although some retail therapy would help a bit :)

13-12-12, 14:36
mark is right you are doing a good thing for your kids by seeking help. don't get yourself down your very brave! x

13-12-12, 14:55
Thanks for the replies,when I am not anxious I can see clearly I am a good mum,and I never judge anyone else with these problems but I am very hard on myself. I have had cbt and my therapist did tell me that even with anxiety or depression I can still be a good mum, I often also worry about my daughter who's a worrier like me, I think if she ends up with anxiety problems I will blame myself, thinking she learned it from me, but my other child is so laid back and therefore I think we are born with a tendancy to be a worrier.

13-12-12, 17:26
hi anxious2, i can relate to your post. i fought going back on antidepressants, thinking i'd failed. i remember registering on here (not that long ago) & being told by someone i hadnt failed & it wasnt a failure. they were really adament about it. i suppose it's a bit like if you have a headache, you take something for it. there are things affecting my happiness at the moment so the antidepressents are making that better. everyone's said the same thing to me - that its helping me so theres no need to feel bad about taking something to help.
i believe in your case too that it's right to be taking them. you say yourself that your anxiety is more manageable which is really good. i think it's understandable that it's still there at times. i'm like that too. i had a very stressful time last week, probably had the most anxiety i've had in living memory. but that's becaus there were things going on to stress me. so it wasnt an indication that i'm getting worse, moreso it was just that life threw some stuff at me
as regards "worrying about silly things", it's easy to label our troubles or worries as "silly". its like we "downgrade" our own troubles & think that what other people are going through is "much worse". so therefore our troubles are nothing & we should just get on with it. quite honestly i think you must being doing a great job. you say you have "2 great kids". how lovely is that. a great achievement on your part. there really is nothing wrong needing the tablets. in fact, by taking them you are demonstrating a sense of responsibility. you took control of a situation that was causing you difficulty & by so doing you have minimised your anxiety. that's pretty cool if you ask me. I bet you are a really good mum and questioning yourself is just part of making sure you are up to standard. i do hear alot of mums thinking along these lines. it must be hard work, i dont think i'd be cut out to do it so i admire people who have the strength of character & energy to bring up children
so NO i dont you are being silly at all. Oh and of course.... the final blow..... being hormonal ..... darn hormones.... they are the cause of so much angst. actually i dont know which antidepressent you are on but mine is fluoxetine & its helping my pmt alot.

13-12-12, 18:04
Hi tessar, thank you for your reply, it makes a lot of sense, I am taking sertraline 100 mg and they are OK no side effects really except initial insomnia. I am scared they may numb my emotions, not sure if this has happened slightly as my mood was a bit flat before them. But people at work have noticed an improvement in me, more energetic and chatty and I more interested in things. I just seem to get emotional during pm which is always worst time for me.

13-12-12, 21:13
Hi there
I been on meds six months, have three kids and a teaxhing assistant.
I think putting too much pressure on myself to be a good mum started this illness off.
I had to fundraise for my son to have an op in America it was all very surreal and hard it was after all over i crashed.
I would do it all again and know I'm a good mum even though I put my family through hell I now realise it is an illness.
I'm sure you are a fab mum as you are worried about it and being on meds Wont change that.

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

Ps all new to me this year and I'm also on sertraline but noticed I don't worry as much about silly things which really is a good thing to me.