View Full Version : So scared i'll faint

13-12-12, 15:31

I posted recently regarding my ongoing anxiety. I have always been anxious and have suffered many different symptoms over the years. But recently I have been feeling faint and it is really worrying me. It mainly seems to happen when I am out walking and its very strange because I am not sure it is due to the anxiety.

I feel like my vision changes, everything gets really bright/blurry/distant. It can just come on from nowhere, I suddenly feel unreal and then and I feel like i'm going to lose consciousness and my legs turn to jelly. It's now happened about 5 times all walking home from work. So far I haven't fainted but I feel really close I literally have to run to get home. I was wondering could this be anxiety or something more serious. As I posted previously, I have had my sugar and thyroid checked which were ok and my bp is not too bad. Has anyone else had these symptoms?

13-12-12, 15:50
Hi Amanda,
This was me earlier this year - exactly the same symptoms. I too had my thyroid and bloods checked and they all came back clear. My sugar level was slightly high but not enough to be concerned - when I had another blood test is was normal. It didn't seem like it at the time but now I've moved on from anxiety I have to put it down to exactly that. They were like mini panic attacks out of nowhere. I could be sat down or walking and I would come over faint, my ears would start ringing and I felt like I was going to pass out. They would pass as quick as they came but they would leave me feeling nervous and more anxious. I can't offer you any solutions but please know you're not alone. You can/will overcome your anxiety. I was a wreck a few months ago but now life is good. Big hugs. xx

13-12-12, 16:14
Hi. Sounds like anxiety, walking along on what feels like a trampoline or mattress. Vision suddenly telescopic then back to normal vision, floatiness. Then sometimes when walking I feel like i'm not actually moving but my surroundings are moving around me.
If it is panic / anxiety it seems to trigger the fight or flight response. Then you run off and worry about what just happened. Which seems to trigger it the next time you in that position.
If it is anxiety they say its best to face it which sounds easy but CBT go someway to tackling it in a step by step way. Also reading about anxiety, what it is and how it works gives you an understanding behind the theory.
If you are in doubt seek medical assistance. I have had ecg's, blood tests and blood pressures taken, chest and heart listened to. Physically i'm fine, my problems are all mental.

13-12-12, 17:00
I am just the same, horrible feeling but it is symptoms of anxiety.

14-12-12, 14:04
i have the exact same fear and know how you feel but a thought that always helps me (that one of my cbt therapists told me) is that its impossible to faint if your heart is beating fast (which mine is of course due to the anxiety) - so try telling yourself that and breathe.... hard i know, i just had 2 attacks in the space of 10 mins trying to go to 2 different supermarkets (failure) and now feel like crap :weep:


14-12-12, 19:19
It does sound like anxiety to me, especially if you have a history of feeling anxious. By all means ask for medical assessment but I think there is a strong likelihood it will turn out to be our "great mate Mrs Anxiety".
If you can accept that as the reality it sounds like time for some CBT.
A lot of us on here, posting on these threads have practised "being an anxious person" for so long we have forgotten how to have normal thoughts and normal levels of worry.
CBT will challenge your thoughts. Demand that you analyse them and disprove your own thoughts. If you do this non stop, every day (boring though it may be) you will begin to change your thoughts and see them for what they are.
We have repeatedly thought in an anxious way, hundreds if not thousands of times a day. Practice has made us perfect.
It is an onerous task to think alternatively for hundreds/thousands times a day, challenging/analysing and disproving each and every negative thought (no matter how mild or severe each one).
However, it is a powerful way to undo the crazy thought patterns we have unknowingly nurtured for so long.