View Full Version : Dizzy/lightheaded/short of breath

13-12-12, 15:52
Hi new here,
I just googled my sympotons and i seen this forum,when i seen this in one of your threads..

Hi ive just stumbled across this site and wat a relief! here i was typing in all my symptoms thinking ive got a brain tumour cancer etc and it always comes bak 2 anxiety grrrrr,I also have i wouldnt call it dizzy but definatly unbalanced and a sort of hard 2 describe weird sensation like the floor is moving when its not sort of like being on a boat, i also find it hard 2 get my breath like i need to yawn to get air in and thats so scary, as well as a feeling as though my legs are going to collapse the list goes on and on its given me a bit of piece of mind to know im not alone and that maybe it is anxiety playing tricks on my body and im not going to drop dead any minute

so here i am with the same symptons..lightheaded,unbalanced,dizzy.stomach churning like mad and legs feel like collapsing underneath me,it only happened last week even when sitting down

any help please

19-12-12, 22:54
It could be a whole host of things! However I doubt anything serious is behind your symptoms. Talk to your GP about this.

20-12-12, 00:42
See your doctor.
Get him to listen to your heart, breathing and to check your blood pressure.
Get the basic blood work done, ask for your iron,b12 and tyroid to be checked.

If your iron is too high it can cause your symptoms but this is nearly always genetic so one of your parents would have it.
Then you may be low in iron or b12.
B12 is good for anxiety :) so maybe try a good multivitamin, omega 3 and probiotics.

Have you been under a lot of stress? Or prone to anxiety?
Anxiety can cause all your symptoms but the doctor will want to rule out any other causes.

It might be good to check for diabities too, do you feel any better after eating?

Make sure you are staying hydrated too.

Have you had the flu or sinus issues? It might be related to that as they are a few bugs going around.

Again please make a doctors appointment :)

31-12-12, 16:21
i get a lot of these symptoms when I'm nervous especially if I'm about to meet up with someone or go onto planes, it feels as if the floor goes into jelly and i often feel sick or lightheaded and its as if I've suddenly gotten sick, i sometimes get hot flushes too but i know its mostly down to my anxiety. i sometimes get these sorts of symptoms when I'm left alone to think or when I'm trying to rest, i often get shortness of breath and feel i need to yawn more often when i become too aware of my breathing or I'm in a hot room. hope this helps,

if your unsure about whether it is your worrys, then seeing a doctor will help