View Full Version : This anxiety crap is for the birds!!

13-12-12, 17:58
So its class day, yippee, finally the place I can go with no anxiety …. Ok I am lying but for some reason if it comes on at school I can usually get out of it faster… hmmmmm??? Any who, so with a butt load of work I had to get done today my morning has consisted of getting the 14 year old up at 6 am, which let me tell you is NOT easy. He is a teenager and a boy at that... Ok you get the drift, next I make a HUGE pot of coffee and BAM I’m ready to tackle these 5 hours of intense "head in a book" therapy. LOL
All in all a good morning thus far, No attacks and for this I am very thankful. Now to make it the rest of the day without them, now that would just be fabulous well on to the next chapter, ZZzzzzzzzzzz. I will be shocked to make it through LOL.
Isn’t is funny how you are wearing this awesome smile everything is going so darn smooth and out of nowhere something sneaks up bites the hell out of you and instantly the panic sets in, you feel like you are lost, the world is ending and in all reality …. You are just fine and need to take a step back, breathe and just come up with a plan. Sooo needless to say my car took a crap on me three months ago, I have become best friends with the bus, cabs and bumming a ride from anyone I know that I can pay for the day to get where need be YES this totally sucks. Well just as I thought today was all worked out, my ride now cannot take me nor pick me up. Soo back to the drawing board. Ughhhhhhhhh
And bring on the shaking this is seriously sooo silly to me to even fathom. I am freaking out in a panic over a ride, knowing I just have to come up with another plan. And this is why anxiety makes you feel literally crazy. It seems so silly to feel this, act this over something so insignificant, or that can simply be fixed.
FU anxiety is all I can say!!! :mad:

14-12-12, 12:56
Can I just say, that if that huge pot of coffee you made had caffeine in it and you drank it then it could well be the reason you feel anxious and are shaking now.

We all think caffeine is harmless but it is a stimulant and a known causer of anxiety and some people just can't tolerate it. You would be best giving it up completely and switching to a good quality decaff. If you can't to that, at least cut down to one or two cups a day.

It could well make all the difference to the way you feel.