View Full Version : The time has come

23-08-06, 20:25
well what can I say, I feel that I am no longer needed on NMP, I have outlived my usefullness and its time to depart and leave the support to others. I have tried over a period to repay the help that I recieved on NMP and I might add am really grateful for. It seems to me that the people have evolved and changed and I am out of step with the current needs of site personnel. you will all hold a special place place in my heart as I'm convinced that some of the best people in the world are members of nmp. I will be around I suppose, old habbits die hard and i will have to fill the hole left by withdrawing from nmp. To all my friends and aquantances I've met on nmp my I bid you a fond farewell


23-08-06, 20:34

Everyone that has something to contribute to such a site as this is very much needed here. Our experiences are what help others, our support keeps others going. There is always a place here for everyone.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

23-08-06, 20:59

Please don't leave us to our own devices. You are so needed here...I can't imagine going into chat and you just not being around. You are stability for a lot of us...you make us smile and laugh..and offer such great advice. I know you have gotten better and feel it's time to move on, but for a lot of us on here you're words and encouragment are what keeps us coming back. Just please reconsider this. It will be a sad day when you leave us for good.

Take Care of You,


23-08-06, 21:10
Keith noooooo dont leave us. Who is going to tell us ladies how lovely we look. Aw please dont go Keith stay and help the rest of us. You cant leave anyway cos you once told me you was me sugar daddy and who else would take on that job. Please reconsider. Thinking of you.

Take Care


23-08-06, 21:23
awww the fact that you have got better from this is brill but you could be such a good help for everyone on nmp knowing you got better is good for all of us and your advice is very good im sure you can find time to pop in every now and then

tc jodie x

23-08-06, 22:04

Don't go!

I hope nothing has upset you and caused you to feel that you should leave.

We love have people around that have recovered to support and encourage others.

If you do decide to go then take care and pop back sometime to let us know how you are


23-08-06, 22:31
hi keith

you have given me great advice in the past and i remember you were one of the first people who welcomed me to the site and in chat.

i think there does come a time to move away from nmp and if you feel the time is right then i do wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

i have been thinking along the same lines for myself - in fact i just came out of hospital two days ago and I coped using all the techniques and tips i have picked up from the wonderful people here. I no longer feel the need to post for advice - so i must have got better!!

I hope i can pass on some advice and give support to others who are struggling with this awful illness and i am sure your input is always truely valued too.

Take care keith

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

24-08-06, 14:36
but keith...... :(
Dont leave us- who is gonno keep our spirits up????

24-08-06, 16:13

We still need your wisdom and humor, please don't leave! You have helped so many on here and I doubt how much you know how many smiles and laughter you bring to the chatroom. Please reconsider this move, you will be missed.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

25-08-06, 01:12
ditto all of the above!Your name is so linked with ths site!I have never met you in chat as i have never conjuered the courage to go on!!!BUT i have received your advice and read your posts Kieth and you willbe sorely missed if you go!I dont post as often now as i am sooo much better thanks to this forum!So i still come on most days to see if i can pass on what i have learned and also to keep me on the road of recovery!There are so many names missing now from when i joined!I feel like a stranger some days!!Hey as the song says ..'dont go'..oh cheesey or what!!love mary rose.xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

25-08-06, 15:36
Keith and Darkangel too,

In someways I think the site could be viewed as a 'pop-in' centre, as and when you need it. Its no bother to anyone if you feel better and don't need to be here so often but always nice to hear from people when they do pop back.

No pressure guys, just come and go as you please :D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.