View Full Version : More Pain and anxiety some advice and help

13-12-12, 21:04
Can somebody please please help me please, am i loosing my mind or is this anxiety taking a tighter hold on me, i got a pain down the lower right side of back a dull ache in the kidney area, i am terrified this is something bad i feel terrible again all the good news i got from my GP about having good blood test results are meaningless, I think surley if i have got the good blood results then i am ok, then this pain it feels like a dull ache i am terrified again now, i thought the news on my bloods would reassure me make me feel better that i was ok. but no i feel terrible and the dread feeling again thinking this is something really bad.

13-12-12, 21:45
Please believe the Dr and the blood test results. Sounds like a muscular ache and if you are very tense and stressed it is going to make it worse.. You are not losing your mind and Yes it is anxiety. Please try to enjoy the knowledge that your blood tests are normal and this feeling of dread has no rational basis. X

13-12-12, 23:21
Graham it definitely sounds like muscular ache, i get this so often my back is so tense you wouldn't believe and i can get exactly the same thing as you. With all the stress are muscles tighten....like valleybear says please take comfort in the knowledge your blood tests were normal and believe what the doctor has to say :) :hugs:

14-12-12, 00:02
Hi guys and thanks:hugs: i feel just terrible like this dull ache down my kidney back area is something terrible, i know this makes no sense as the bloods were excellent, but these thoughts are terrible coupled with the aches and pains they all seem to gang up on me, my wife and friends are pretty fed up at this stage as i just seem to be constantly looking for reassurance but i cant help all of this i am so glad i found this site. Im trying so hard to tell myself different and stop jumping to catastrophic conclusions but my thinking has radically changed for the worse. i really am struggling with this but if i just take your advice IF the bloods are good then i have to be positive and deal with this latest ache thanks Guys im trying to be positive i really am. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/smilies/hugs.gif

14-12-12, 00:39
i know its hard to be positive and ignore what we are feeling, right now i have an abscess in my jaw its painful and i cant stop thinking about it although i know that will only make the pain worse :( its a vicious cycle but atleast we have people on here that know what we are going through :) xx