View Full Version : Heat feeling at back of head anyone?

13-12-12, 22:28
Recently I started with sudden hot flushes just in the face which causes panic attacks. I hated the sensation in my face and it worried me. They kept coming and I still get them now, I get really red, hot, and anxious.

This last week I've noticed the back of my head feels strange, like there's heat coming from behind me. Head isn't hot to touch but feels like its warm up back if neck and back of head. You'd swear I was stood by a fire. I don't necessarily have a hot face when the heat starts up the back of the head.

GP says its anxiety, not to worry. It's just strange, today all day I had the heat up the back of my head constantly:/ I've not suffered this symptom before. Can anyone else relate?

13-12-12, 23:17
Hi Savannah
i have had this before but with me i just ignore it and forget about it and it goes, maybe because you keep thinking about it its happening more often. its that vicious circle again though hun. im sure if the doctor said its anxiety it is, have you tried ignoring it? and not letting it get to you? i know its hard im doing it at the moment ( i have an abscess in my jaw ) and im trying my hardest to act like its not there! i hope your feeling better soon though try not to worry hun xx :hugs:

14-12-12, 00:31
Thanks Liz.

Yes I've tried, some days I'm fine and its not there.

Do you have the heat at back of head and the face? The rest of my body is fine.

14-12-12, 00:36
yeah i used to a few years back now used to feel like a wave of heat that just came over me randomly :) xx

14-12-12, 00:46
It often happens when I'm tired, usually the head or face will feel very very hot.
If I panic I often get a warm sensation like a wave of heat.
Splashing your face with cool water, going outside or generally trying to cool down seems to help me with the sensation And the anxiety.

14-12-12, 06:53
Thank you, it must be anxiety related then. It isn't a nice feeling. I was just concerned as my face an head go so hot.