View Full Version : Hungry but not hungry

14-12-12, 12:17
Hi, lately i have been feeling hunger pangs, then started to eat but then felt likd i had no appetite. It's worse at work as i am always nervous and uptight here! But it could also be my HA playing up. I also feel really empty stomached in the morning, then i have to eat something to feel better. Anyone else get this?

14-12-12, 12:33
Are you on medication?

Both my drugs, Pregabalin and Mirtazapine are associated with the "munchies".

14-12-12, 13:16
hey Iced_diamond - if i'm really stressed i can be like that. as a rule i love my food soooo much (to the point i'm plumper than i'd like to be). theres no doubt in my mind that being nervous and uptight makes a tremendous difference to whether we can eat or not. the other week i had really high anxiety & tho i knew i had to eat to stay well, it wasnt anywhere near as enjoyable as normal. bit like today relaly, i have a cold & cant taste anything but still i'm making myself eat. dont want to add feeling sick to the list of symptoms! yes you do need to eat to make sure you dont feel worse. you dont want to get out of the habit of eating...... sometimes even if its a few small bites of something fairly bland, that's better than starving yourself coz for sure that's going to make it worse.

14-12-12, 16:48
As I write this I have just come in from work and eating some crisps-which I find are going down quite well. :) interesting point about the medication Mark, as I am not on any prescribed meds, but do take a lot of supplements, such as prebiotic powder, probiotic tablets, winter vitamins etc. Nothing harsh-just like overt the counter stuff, but sometimes I wonder whether maybe I take too much of it-do you think that might be making me feel a bit odd in the tummy region?

14-12-12, 23:32
I'm no medical professional of course, but I tend not to worry about new symptoms now unless I've had them for weeks.

It's impossible to say, but from my experience, all these things have caused me stomach problems in the last couple of years:

Increasing consumption of fruit
All my prescription meds
High doses of cod liver oil

But the main cause for me is anxiety.

15-12-12, 14:20
As I write this I have just come in from work and eating some crisps-which I find are going down quite well. :) interesting point about the medication Mark, as I am not on any prescribed meds, but do take a lot of supplements, such as prebiotic powder, probiotic tablets, winter vitamins etc. Nothing harsh-just like overt the counter stuff, but sometimes I wonder whether maybe I take too much of it-do you think that might be making me feel a bit odd in the tummy region?
that's good that you ate. it could be you are right about the meds. do you take them on an empty stomach? i have fluoxetine which i always take 1st thing with no food. if i take any of my supplements with it (magnesium, probiotics, star flower oil) i have a tendency to get acid. i can get acid too from nerves, e.g. counselling. too nervous to eat in that case but then end up with antacids sometimes as the nerves set me off

I'm no medical professional of course, but I tend not to worry about new symptoms now unless I've had them for weeks.
It's impossible to say, but from my experience, all these things have caused me stomach problems in the last couple of years:

Increasing consumption of fruit

All my prescription meds
High doses of cod liver oil

But the main cause for me is anxiety.
ibuprofen will definitely upset stomachs, particularly sensitives ones. i know that for a fact. increased fruit consumption can affect me. had to give up apples & raw carrots due to terrible bloating & pain. had to give up dates & dried mango as excess sugar caused me trouble.