View Full Version : Constant worry about heart attack - anyone else?

14-12-12, 13:31
Hi guys

just wanted to see if anyone has the same issues as me.

I developed health anxiety and panic attacks following smoking a legal high (i dont usually do any drugs at all). I swear I thought it was a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. All the usual heart attack symptoms of crushing chest pain, pain in left arm and jaw, went clammy and light headed. All ECG's and blood enzyme tests were fine and I was discharged and doctors put it down to a panic attack but werent able to give me an explanation of why I suddenly had one when never had anything like it before. Allergic reaction to whatever crap was in what i smoked? That was just over 6 months ago. Ive been into A & E twice since with bad chest pains but all clear on each occassion. Ive now been on Fluoextine for 20 days (no improvement yet!) and tried Propranolol but it didnt do much for me.

My question is this. Does anyone else have health anxiety about their heart brought on by a similar occurence? I read lots of posts from people where the chest pains have just come on (and I appreciate this must be scary as hell as well!!), but I cant help thinking that because mine was brought on by an actual incident I have actually done some damage to my heart. I really do try and believe what the doctors have told me that my heart is fine but when you have chest pain every day its so hard to buy into it!

The second thing is that I dont knowingly feel anxious before the chest pain. Its always the chest pain first which then makes me feel anxious. Again if I felt anxious first and the pain came later Id be able to link the two much better in my mind.

Anyway, Ive started a course of CBT now and have been on the meds for nearly 3 weeks so hopefully theyll start to kick in soon but feeling quite low today and looking for some reassurance.

Thanks guys

14-12-12, 15:55
Hi armies, I can totally relate to your story my first panic attack was the same as yours no reason just drank a bit too much coffee I think ended up being admitted to hosp with a suspected heart attack. Next day sent home being told it was just a bad panic attack no explanation no reassurance .sat at home for three months waiting for the next attack convinced this was going to be the one .finally went to see my gp after going to a&e a couple more times explained to him how I was convinced something was wrong with my heart,he was really understanding and arranged for me to have an ECG and treadmill test which came back fine.i think the trick is believing your drs which isn't easy even now four years on I have anx about my heart worrying about every ache and pain ,I have never worried about any other illness just my heart.try the cbt it did help me a lot instill worry but ican usually calm myself down.any stimulant can cause a panic attack mine was just one coffee too many and until you've had one you will never understand why they are called Panic attacks my panic attacks completely mimic a heart attack and that's what caused my heart anx.good luck with the cbt chrissi

16-02-13, 20:23
I don't have the fears due to a specific incident, I just know I feel the same way and have done for the last maybe 5 monthes. It's taking over my life and I don't know why I feel this way. I constantly fear of having a heart attack (I'm 23). Its much more when I'm alone than when I'm with others.
I have thyroid problems so maybe that? Started in winter so maybe SADisorder?

I don't know :(

How are you feeling now, any better?

16-02-13, 21:36
I have the same worry. I have very mild Mitral Valve prolapse. So mild it was discovered by accident and so mild that when I do have a scan (every 3 years) my doc struggles to even detect it. However this doesn't stop me thinking every chest pain is a heart attack just waiting to happen. When I stress I bring on my acid reflux which gives me indegestion. Indigestion = chest pain and it becomes a vicious circle. So i can totally relate. :hugs:

16-02-13, 22:54
i felt this way after drinking too much vodka and red bull one weekend my chest felt weird i was shaky also have chest pain when i asked my gp could have i damaged my heart from my partying days he said it takes alot more than that to do damage