View Full Version : ok until things go wrong.

14-12-12, 13:33
I have what i presume is a mild anxiety....i have the symptoms but not as bad as spme people, and the majority of the time i can function ok...
until...something happens, bad news, or a worry of some kind, i suppose a down side to anxiety is that you are a big worrier, i always have been.

Today is one of those days, funny really cos the last few weeks i have been really cheerful, things all going well, and i just knew that the day would come when something brings me down!
my friend at work lost her cat yesterday so she is upset today, which makes me a bit sad as i know how that feels, its absolutley pouring with rain, which makes me miserable, my mum isnt well, which makes me worry, and my ex's dog...who i love to peices like my own is in the vets quite sick...and im worried sick! i hate worrying, i cant eat, in fact im going to leave work soon and just go home!i know its just one of those days...but a really horrible miserable grey day:weep:.
to make it worse ive got the work xmas meal tonight....i really dont feel like going!!!

14-12-12, 14:25
It sounds like you've been having a tough day, so it's not surprising you're feeling down. :weep:

When I feel like this on a Friday I usually think to myself that it's the weekend soon, so I'll have some time to myself to relax. Maybe you will enjoy the Christmas meal once you get there. Sending you hugs. :hugs:

14-12-12, 16:25
thanks sparkle, hugs are good....:hugs:
Not sure about the meal yet, the last thing i feel like is a 3 course meal right now!