View Full Version : Really hate going out in my car on my own :(

14-12-12, 15:29
As some people may have seen, I passed my driving test on Monday now I'm really scared to drive on my own.
I went out just now, round the block etc and I was panicking the whole time, thinking I was making terrible mistakes and couldn't even go any further.
I feel sick thinking about going out again but I am going to have to do this everyday because of work, otherwise I would have to pay for a bus ticket :(

14-12-12, 15:33
It is early days yet. You will get used to it. try to go out with others as much as you can until you have more confidence. You will get there!

14-12-12, 15:45
thank you Annie, you really are a help.
One question, when two cars are approaching a road at the same timeand need to turn into it, which gets right of way, is it the car turning left or the one turning right?

15-12-12, 01:12
Driving gets much better with practice. I still dislike unfamiliar roads but have gradually been able to push the boundaries of what I can do. If things don't improve possibly do pass/plus or get some tuition from an advanced driving instructor.

As for the question - do you mean the rules of crossroads?


15-12-12, 01:25
Go out and drive everyday and keep doing it

I don't understand your question but I am sure it is basic driving stuff that you do know really

15-12-12, 10:19
:yahoo:First of all, well done!!!!! Congratulations.

You will realize the value of you having a license , in time. It will make your life a lot easier!
Take your time, little and often and take someone with you if u can.


15-12-12, 10:34
Hi GirlAfraid,

Sorry to hijack your post, but I have a very similar problem, I passed my test 6 months ago Whilst I was learning to drive I was fine (probably because I had my instructor with me), but since passing I'm petrified to drive, I'm scared there'll be an accident or I'll cause one and make silly mistakes. I know the answer to our problem is exposure and keep practicing it, building it up step by step. I have managed to go out sometimes (mainly Sunday morning's when it's very quiet), I'll manage it and be so proud of myself, but then make a silly mistake, then beat myself up about it thinking oh my, what if I did that when it was busy, people would beep and shout at me, be angry with me, I could cause an accident, and the cycle starts again. I'd like to have a driver sit in with me to build confidence up, but I don't have anyone.

I could speak to my instructor about it, he was great but, I'm scared of what he'd think. He thinks I'm a fantastic driver, I passed first time with 5 minors and he actually said that he wants to train me up to be a driving instructor (obviously when I've been driving long enough), because he thinks I'm great and don't miss a thing and thinks I'd be could at teaching. That's probably a little bit of my OCD kicking in. He calls it me being anal, lol. I don't think I could do it though.

Anyways, apologies for interrupting your thread. Congratulations on passing your test. I wish you all the best for driving.

Take care


15-12-12, 11:39
I just wanted to say congratulations on passing your test. I don't drive, so unfortunately I can't give you any advice about it, except to say I think you'll probably get more used to it over time. :)

16-12-12, 19:53
Congratulations on passing your test!

I remember very well how strange it felt not having someone by my side whilst driving the car. You will get used to it and gain your confidence. Get as much practice as you can with and without other people in the car. The driving test is incredibly strict, but you are officially safe to be on the roads!

One question, when two cars are approaching a road at the same timeand need to turn into it, which gets right of way, is it the car turning left or the one turning right?
You mean when driving down a straight road and you want to turn left into a side road? In this situation, the car turning LEFT has right of way. The car turning right has to cross more lines, so they have to give way. If the road is busy the car turning left may choose to wave the other car to go first.