View Full Version : Memory problems, forgetting some names...

14-12-12, 16:52
Ok, I m 27 years old, having anxiety, ocd and healeth anxiety for a long time. I m now in "dark phase" for over 3 months, i changed many diagnosis first i was affraid of MS, feel many tingling symptoms walked arouned, then i was at neurologist she said i m fine, that i only have very stiff back and neck muscles and that is couse of anxiety ( i was twice on massage and it a little better), after that my fear goes to many other things cause of random shooting pains and so. Lately it came back to brain tumor fear, couse of some random dizzyness, which I also have many times duo to anxiety, and I also have many vision disturbance, shooting pains in head, buzzing ears and I found my post from 7 months ago (on different site) with same symptoms and i get a bit relief. Now I come with new fear I m obssessed with my memory, for example i get panicked if i couldnt remember all actors that played Bond, i forgott Pierce Brosnan, or cant remember name of my gf cousin, its like its always on the edge of my tongue i remmeber many of that a minute later, but now I m obssessed with memory i m counting football players, actors, and all kind of staff and when i forget something i got panicked, I freaked when i forgoot some distant cousins name, or some singer, like I said I remember it after that . My psychiatrist just said me that is common for anxiety to get blocked and got memory problems, but I m still scared. Have you guys experianced something like that? I m talking my therapy regularly (fluoxetine 2 times a day). I know that anxiety and stress couse short memory problems, but is anyone of you having trouble remembering names?

14-12-12, 22:22
Have you guys experianced something like that? I m talking my therapy regularly (fluoxetine 2 times a day). I know that anxiety and stress couse short memory problems, but is anyone of you having trouble remembering names?
All the time, and I mean on a daily basis.

I have hydrocephalus, which affects my short term memory, but it's the anxiety that affects my long term recall.

Plus, this really happens to everybody regardless of their age or illness (although it does increase with age).

My friend, when it comes to memory you are worrying over nothing.

You have anxiety, so in that regard what you are experiencing is completely normal.

15-12-12, 09:10
Thanks for reply mate, I realy hope so, I m now in obssesion circle with memory, now i watched some news about Hobit and and I wanna to remember whos the producer before they say, I remember its jackson but then my mund is full, then I remembered its Peter jackson, but mind talks me is it couse I first tought its maybe Mark. Its interesting how I obsesed over it. Yesterday i couldnt remember my distant cousins name, I few minutes later remembered its Zoran, and I went to my sister to check if she knows his name, and she said Milan (big difference between Zoran and Milan), and I said no its Zoran, and she was like "Ou yeah, you r wright", and continue doing her things.

15-12-12, 10:13
Low b12 can cause MS like symptoms. It's not often tested for so you need to ask for the test. If its lower than 500 you can experience symptoms.
Being low on b12 often makes you feel tired and does affect your memory but it's easily reversible with tablets or b12 injections.

So before you jump to MS check out the more simple causes. A lot of people find out they are low on b12 because they ended up at the nurologist and they always run a b12 test!

---------- Post added at 10:13 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

I forget names and things all the time! It's pretty normal but I think you tend to notice it which makes you worry and be anxious which is only going to make you even more forgetful.

Also when you panic or get anxious your brain doesn't work the same as its preparing its self to fight or run away and it's hyper aware and analysing the situation.
It's very hard to concentrate when your on anxious mode and you'll tend to make silly mistakes such as bring forgetful or putting the sugar into the fridge ;)

15-12-12, 12:48
I recently did blood tests and they were good, although I wasnt check b12, but i took some b12 suplements recently.

"I forget names and things all the time! It's pretty normal but I think you tend to notice it which makes you worry and be anxious which is only going to make you even more forgetful."

I think you r wright about this, anxiety people are always overthinking, the more you pay atention you make it worse. I suffer for lot of anxiety lately and its associate with depression I think, couse I dont have enough will to do anything, low self esteem, low sex drive, my hobyes doesnt interests me anymore and so on and so on... I just cant enjoy in anything anymore, I try to meditate just for 10 minutes and my mind walks away like 20 times in that period.

15-12-12, 12:57
The difference is when my wife forgets a name it doesn't bother her.

When I do it I think I've got Alzheimers :winks:

Oh, the joys of Health Anxiety :ohmy:

15-12-12, 13:42
The difference is when my wife forgets a name it doesn't bother her.

When I do it I think I've got Alzheimers :winks:

Oh, the joys of Health Anxiety :ohmy:

Exactly. My sister was like that in situation i dscribed. Now I watch football Newcastle vs Man City, and I m calling names of football players, and when I m not sure of some I panicked and i know like 90% of them, even if I cant remember of their first names I got little panicked. thats full enjoy of HA, anxiety, OCD, depression, or whatever it is.

16-12-12, 01:06
I think anxiety can cause depression, due to the anxiety taking the fun out of everything.
It's hard to enjoy a TV show when you can't concentrate or relax, loss of sex drive is pretty normal too although sometimes if a mans testosterone levels are low that can cause depression.

I think you're sort of testing yourself, trying to make sure your memories ok.
If you focus on anything it will start to feel weird, like if you're suddenly aware of your body movements when walking, it'll start to feel all wrong.

16-12-12, 09:26
I think anxiety can cause depression, due to the anxiety taking the fun out of everything.
It's hard to enjoy a TV show when you can't concentrate or relax, loss of sex drive is pretty normal too although sometimes if a mans testosterone levels are low that can cause depression.

I think you're sort of testing yourself, trying to make sure your memories ok.
If you focus on anything it will start to feel weird, like if you're suddenly aware of your body movements when walking, it'll start to feel all wrong.

Yeah I know that long term anxiety can be in combination with depression, it seems I m in fear for so long that i cant relx anymore. My sex drive is often low when I m anxious/depressed. And you r totally wright about focusing on things, many of us here can somatised symptoms by thinking or reading about it.