View Full Version : Didn't want to google so please give me good advice

14-12-12, 19:56
Hi I started getting cramps in my belly earlier n was sick once I then went on to go to the toilet quite a few times n ended up feeling the urgency to go but hardly anything wen I got there so was sort of straining I suppose I assume I've got a stomach bug but the last time I went to the toilet there was blood in the toilet not loads else I'd be freaking out by now I'm sure it must be from pushing n straining am I right to believe this

Has anyone else had this happen I'm sorry for the info :-(

14-12-12, 20:01
I would say it is from pushing and straining, do not google it will just scare you. It has happened to me and it does sound like you have an unhappy tummy. I am sure it will be all normal again when your tummy is better.

14-12-12, 20:09
I had this cramping since Monday but managed to keep the sick feeling down.
My dads work have all caught the d&v bug that is going round at the moment and one of the actresses ended up being sick on stage...

When I was at the hospital, they were advising people with it to just rest and take it easy for three days as its highly contagious! But it does sound like thats what you have my dear. Plus kirstynic is right, the blood with probably be from pushing and straining.

I hope you start to feel better soon.xx

14-12-12, 21:28
If the blood is bright red it will just be from straining to go.

14-12-12, 22:28
I did Google to hopefully put your mind at rest....

From NHS Choices:

"In general, bright-red blood means the bleeding has come from somewhere near your anus. If the blood is darker in colour or black and sticky, the bleeding may have occurred higher up your digestive system."


"Rectal bleeding (bleeding from the bottom) is usually caused by a swollen blood vessel or a small tear around the anus."

If it continues obviously see your GP.

15-12-12, 03:22
Thanku so much everyone lets hope there's no more x