View Full Version : Anxiety has changed me.. so lonely

14-12-12, 20:09
I feel like having a bought of self pity, my apologies ... But I'm fed up of this. I used to be so easy to cheer, so happy and excitable. Now my boyfriend barely talks to me because of what I've become. People dont like me and I'm lonely and unhappy most days. There's no way out of this, its all going to pot.

I literally went to bed this afternoon because I had nothing better to do. I didnt want to go out and get anxious, I didnt want to stay awake and feel anxious. I couldnt do anything productive as my mood so low. Now I'm ranting on the internet to myself. :huh:

14-12-12, 20:13
Smit, i'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling as low as this. I literally can't tell you how much your position is what I'm currently in at the moment so I'm sending lots of hugs and love your way.

I know its hard but try to focus on being happy. Try maybe taking up a hobby or falling back in love with something you used to before? Once you start achieving things with your hobby you will start to feel better at yourself by thinking "wow look how far I progressed today :) a few days/weeks ago I never thought I could have done this" Honestly its the most rewarding thing. I know its probably the last thing you want to do but try and keep your mind occupied. You're a human being who deserves to be happy! :hugs: hugs going your way

14-12-12, 21:47
Ahhh smit, it's not self pity at all, all of this anxiety stuff can leave u feeling pretty helpless & frustrated as it affects every single aspect of your life, especially when your that drained, you just haven't got the fight in u. The suggestions kittyhan has made I.e - hobby etc, are good. Don't be too critical, the world has not ended , with time things will improve, take it from someone who felt like u do, not long ago!:hugs:

14-12-12, 23:11
. Now I'm ranting on the internet to myself. :huh:
No, youre ranting on the internet to us :) - concerned individuals who will sympathise and support you because we all have had (and are still having) similar experiences.

Don't feel bad about getting your feelings out on here. It's the most supportive forum I've ever been on.

15-12-12, 07:43
I feel like having a bought of self pity, my apologies ... But I'm fed up of this. I used to be so easy to cheer, so happy and excitable. Now my boyfriend barely talks to me because of what I've become. People dont like me and I'm lonely and unhappy most days. There's no way out of this, its all going to pot.

I literally went to bed this afternoon because I had nothing better to do. I didnt want to go out and get anxious, I didnt want to stay awake and feel anxious. I couldnt do anything productive as my mood so low. Now I'm ranting on the internet to myself. :huh:

I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time and feeling low Smit :hugs: That happy, excitable person you are is still there. Anxiety takes its toll and makes us forget who we are at times.

Acknowledge how you are feeling but remind yourself that these bad days and feelings will pass and things will improve.

You have the Derby meet up to look forward to in January. I'm really looking forward to meeting you :yesyes:

Keep positive things like this in mind when you are having a bad day to keep things in perspective and push through these feelings.
Be kind to yourself :hugs:
Cat xxx

15-12-12, 20:05
Sorry you are feeling down.
I get like that sometimes and i find it takes me a while to bounce back. I hope you feel better soon.


15-12-12, 21:51
If it helps, at all. I feel the exact same. I even feel anxious around my boyfriend, which is terrifying.

10-11-13, 16:13
Hey smit, I know exactly where you're coming from. I've lost a lot of friends due to anxiety, mainly due to the fact they don't understand nor can be bothered to take the time to understand. But good riddance, I would rather have quality than quantity.
There are many days I go back to bed, I think it's very common with anxiety sufferers, not only do you feel depressed you also feel drained. It can bevery lonely at times. Keep your chin up. This forum is a fantastic place to vent and also meet new friends. New friends who understand exactly what you're going through! Xxx

10-11-13, 20:37
Happy to announce things are looking much better. Since making this post I dumped my boyfriend and ave been drastically changing the way I think to try and counter anxiety :) Things are much better, now dating the man I can say I will marry one day, he is very supportive and has been a huge help . Looking back on this post I can see how far I have come!

Lost a lot of friends .. but hey ho its the ones that stay that are worth it as you say

p.s thanks all for your supportive messages