View Full Version : Is this an ear infection?

14-12-12, 20:58
My left ear has been blocked for a week now, and not even ear drops clear it and I've been using them for 4 days. At first I just thought it was a bit of wax, but I don't think it is, because surely the ear drops would have cleared it if it was? Unless it's right at the back? Sometimes it unblocks for a few moments after belching, but then it blocks again. I'm guessing it's pressure.

Today, I've had a throbbing ache at the side of my head so I've took some asprins. It's on the same side as my blocked ear. I've also been getting hot flashes that come and go. It feels as if I have a bit of a fever... But, can you get ear infections without getting any pain in the ear? Does this sound like an ear infection to you? My parents think it's 'nothing' and of course I'm not convinced. They also will not take me to the doctors. Don't know if I've said before, but I cannot go to places on my own, I need to have someone with me. My parents are the only people I can rely on as I have no one else.. I'm going to a well-being team on Monday, which is in the doctors, so I guess I could ask my Mum/Dad if they could make an appointment then.

14-12-12, 21:21
Ear drops don't always clear wax in ears. I used ear drops for a month and ended up needing to have them syringed. I didn't have pain just blocked ears.

14-12-12, 21:30
Thanks for the reply Annie, I thought so. Guess it looks like I'll have to get mine syringed too. I've heard that it tickles a lot. :D

14-12-12, 21:34
I hardly felt anything at all x

14-12-12, 21:40
You could try some warm (NOT hot!) olive oil dropped into your ear, and held in overnight with a ball of cotton wool. My Mum always used to do this when our ears were blocked as children (and I had blocked ears/ear infections a lot!), to soften the wax.