View Full Version : really need some advice

14-12-12, 21:57
Guys i have anxiety and depression and am always up and down..the odd good day, but mostly down and flat..latley ifeel iv been building up to a big Low and feel its moving in on me...My days are spent just thinking how shit and low and pointless i feel...I feel sad and just want to cry and feel sorry for myself...I cant stand being around ANYONE even my wife and 2 kids...and this makes me feel really sad.. I want to be care free as i used to feel...HELP im realy scared im loosing grip of the will to see any future feeling like this.. Im male and 46...

14-12-12, 22:02
Greg, you can and will get your old life back, anxiety and depression is an illness that you CAN recover from. I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment when you are feeling so low but it will get better. I can't remember if you have had any cbt? Just want to send you :hugs: Try to be positive and know that you can overcome this.

14-12-12, 23:07
Greg, I don't know your history, are you on any medication? Maybe you need an alternative.

If you've not tried CBT it can be very productive, but you need to be able to take it all in and put things into practice so IMHO it works better when you've attained some sort of equilibrium.

If you can feel a big depressive episode coming I strongly suggest you discuss matters with your GP.

That said, I'm sure the members here will give you lots of moral support and advice.