View Full Version : God its That pain again

14-12-12, 22:49
Hi all and thanks for all the help, i posted about the pain on my right side just under the rib cage it is now tender to touch, i just cant get this out of my head i have read the excellent post on health anxiety and the straight thought to the worst case scenario that is me all over, i need to build on the Good blood test results i got and try to remain positive but as i guess all you fellow sufferers know this is not easy.
To make matters worse my brilliant GP is on holiday till Monday so i have to suffer this till Monday i get good blood results and some great positive posts from you guys and i still feel terrible. that this is something not good, why i do not know maybe it feels different i just dont know i am terrified of this, have i just got to a new stage of this affilication where even positive reassurance does not matter and it just eats away at me and serving no purpose at all.
Everybody tells me i am ok GP tells me bloods are great but i still feel horrible.
I need help and it starts Sunday at 9.00 AM with CBT i just hope and pray this can help i have read about it here on the site.
i really cant take any more of this and neither can my loved ones thanks all for hanging in there with me:weep:

14-12-12, 23:02
Maybe it could be your gall bladder, has your doctor checked for that?

14-12-12, 23:35
It could also be IBS, something I had 23 years ago. Easily treatable if it is.

15-12-12, 00:34
I've got ibs and wen that flares up its very painful and very tender, I go and lay down on my left side and massage the area that's tender and most of the time I manage to pass wind which relieves the pain, sorry for the stinky thought lol.

15-12-12, 23:20
Thanks everbody for your thoughts my whole back muscles froze today just pure tension i dont know what the hell is going on but my GP back on Monday so i let her decide, but thank god i have not googled there will be no more of that, and thank god i found this site everbody here is really helping me get through this and tommorow is my first step with CBT, this is now affecting my work as i just have zero confidence anymore and i work as an engineer which requires confidence mine is shattered totaly as i cant even make simple choices anymore, i will show the woman with CBT my posts and i hope to come out of this dread and help anyone i can in the future as well, tommorow IS STEP NO 1 thanks for sticking with me and being there for me wish me luck cheers everybody as i take the journey to just getting out of this and i know it is going to be a long hard road but with all you guys from all over the world giving me help i know i can do this THANKS ALL i will keep you posted on my quest to break free.:)

16-12-12, 12:36
Hi Graham, hope all goes well with your CBT :)